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Диригентське мистецтво в музичному просторі Львова першої третини XX століття (джерелознавчий аспект)

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dc.contributor.author Ферендович, Мар’яна Василівна
dc.date.accessioned 2020-11-19T08:17:06Z
dc.date.available 2020-11-19T08:17:06Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Ферендович М. В. Диригентське мистецтво в музичному просторі Львова першої третини XX століття (джерелознавчий аспект) : дис. на здоб. наук. ступеня канд. мистецтвознавства : 17.00.03 – музичне мистецтво / М. в. Ферендович ; М-во культури України. ЛНМА імені М. В. Лисенка.– Львів, 2016. – 282 с uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2385
dc.description This thesis is dedicated to the study of the art of conducting in the musical culture of Lviv of the first third of 20th century on the basis of press and archive sources. It was analyzed the state of scientific theme elaboration in Ukrainian and foreign musicology. Literature review was held, which allowed to ascertain the prevalence of fragmented highlighting of the history of art of conducting in the city. This led to the need to identify and systematize information about the art of conducting of city through wide sources and choice of source aspect of the study as the most appropriate to the aim pursued. It was done a compendium reconstruction of development of conductor's profession in the musical culture of the city up to the twentieth century and revealed its compliance with European cultural and artistic processes. The features of the development of musical culture of Galicia in a multinational environment were comprehended. There were outlined the origins and traditions of the art of conducting continuity. It is shown that each of the national communities of the city cherished their traditions and tried to strengthen their position in the art space, and at the same time they were actively assimilating the most valuable achievements of other European schools in different areas, including the art of conducting. The activity of musical institutions of the first third of 20th century that varied in specialization and national affiliation is researched, which allowed revealing their dramatic impact on the establishment and development of the art of conducting in the region and the hereditary nature of acquisition of European experience. In the given period intensive international contacts in the field of conducting were caused by the general processes of professionalization and active development of the musical art. Leading institutions such as Town Theatre, “Rus’ka Besida” Society Theatre, the Lviv Philharmonic Orchestra and musical educational institutions played an important role in this process. It has been established that the activity of conductors in institutions representing different performance genres and different national affiliation concentrated in three main fields: conducting, organization and composing. It included founding new music formations, holding various artistic events and promoting the creation of educational centers with amateur groups etc. The conductors of amateur groups usually worked in different capacities: as artistic directors, directors and members of administration, composers, accompaniment pianists, solo singers etc. The synthesis of these main areas of activity created a firm foundation for musical art development and observation of traditions as well as constituted a specific feature of conducting performance in Lviv of the given period. Repertoire priorities of musical institutions, groups and cultural-educational centers of Lviv of the first third of 20th century as well as the crucial role of conductors in their formation ensured intensive development of their artistic and performance levels. These priorities included performing masterpieces of world music classics along with cherishing the creative work of separate national communities of Lviv. Special emphasis is placed on premieres in the musical-dramatic, symphonic and choir genres. Fruitful international artistic contacts manifested in the performance of pieces of Lviv composers give grounds to maintain that the development of the art of conducting in Halychyna is an integral part of all-European cultural-historical process. The general list of composers of the given period is formed (188 figures), the exact chronological framework of their activity is established and the names of certain representatives of the conducting movement that have been unknown to date are introduced in the scientific use. Basing on the analysis of the creative activity of conductors, their important role in the progress of musical institutions is revealed. The figures of 32 conductors who made the greatest contribution to the improvement of the artistic level of music formations are focused on. It is posted the wide panorama of conductor activity, which in the context of those times allowed to comprehend the achievements of representatives of art of conducting of Lviv and Galicia. In this thesis, the art of conducting in Lviv of the first third of 20th century is described as an original but at the same time organic phenomenon in the history of Ukrainian and European conducting. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Дисертація присвячена дослідженню диригентського мистецтва в музичному просторі Львова першої третини XX ст. на основі пресових та архівних джерел. Створено цілісну і широку панораму становлення й розвитку львівського диригентського мистецтва окресленого періоду. Подано загальну характеристику регіональних особливостей диригентського виконавства впродовж тривалого історичного періоду. Висвітлено діяльність музичних товариств та інституцій першої третини XX ст. в аспекті розвитку диригентського мистецтва краю. Визначено провідні сфери діяльності диригентів у музичних товариствах Львова. Проаналізовано творчу діяльність диригентів, розкрито їх роль у поступі музичних інституцій та формуванні репертуарної політики, зосереджено увагу на постатях, які сприяли піднесенню мистецького рівня колективів. Наголошено на тісних міжнаціональних контактах в диригентській сфері, що відобразилося на професіоналізації й інтенсифікації музичного мистецтва краю. У дисертації диригентське мистецтво Львова першої третини XX ст. постає як самобутнє і водночас органічне явище в історії української та європейської диригентури. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Львівська національна музична академія імені М. В. Лисенка uk_UA
dc.subject диригентське мистецтво, джерелознавство, музичні інституції, диригентські традиції, музична культура, багатонаціональне середовище, музичний репертуар, мистецький рівень uk_UA
dc.title Диригентське мистецтво в музичному просторі Львова першої третини XX століття (джерелознавчий аспект) uk_UA
dc.title.alternative The art of conducting in the musical life of Lviv of the first third of XX century (source studies aspect) uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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