Репозитарій Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв України


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dc.contributor.author КРАСОВСЬКА, ІРИНА ВАСИЛІВНА
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-07T13:12:05Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-07T13:12:05Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation Красовська І. В. Весільна обрядовість Сокирянщини кінця XX - початку XXI ст.: структурно-семантичні та художні трансформації : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступ. канд. мистецтвознавства : спец. 26.00.01 "Теорія та історія культури (мистецтвознавство)" / Ірина Василівна Красовська ; ДВНЗ "Прикарпат. нац. ун-т ім. Василя Стефаника". Івано-Франківськ, 2020. 20 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2713
dc.description The thesis is the first attempt to analyze Ukrainian wedding rituals in Sokyriany region, Chernivtsi oblast at the end of the 20th century - beginning of the 21st century. The author traces transformations which have taken place in the structure and elements of wedding rituals of the above mentioned geographical unit as well as outlines their local variations and typical ethnographic features. A special highlight of the research is the evolution of wedding rituals in conditions of cross-ethnic contacts. The research is the first attempt to analyze theatrical elements, audio accompaniment and visual attributes of wedding rituals in Sokyriany region in the conditions of globalization processes. The author traces origins and mechanisms of developing new ritual acts and attributes. New factual material has been introduced in art and scientific discourse as a result of field research in 29 towns and villages of Sokyriany region. The obtained results made it possible to conclude that wedding rituals in Sokyriany region at the end of the 20th century - beginning of the 21st century remain not as thoroughly researched as traditional Ukrainian wedding. Meanwhile, the chosen geographical unit is a unique zone of ethnic contacts with abundant cultural background which enables us to trace development and numerous transformations in wedding rituals. The research helped establish similarity in patterns of traditional Ukrainian wedding and modern wedding ritual in Sokyriany region: the latter includes three stages: pre-wedding, wedding and post-wedding. The structure of pre-wedding cycle can be represented as a following sequence: marriage proposal (engagement), invitation of a young couple for a treatment (so called ‘nanashok’), and ‘periwinkle’ ritual. Wedding cycle consists of the following events: meeting the young couple; treating guests with various meals (‘nanashchennya’); visiting cemetery; attending church and holding the wedding ceremony there; official wedding registration; parents meet the newly married couple at the venue where festive celebration is to be held; presenting the bride and the bridegroom with money (so called ‘perepiy’); festive celebration; unveiling the bride; covering the bride’s head with a head scarf. Within the period of the 2000s the tradition of visiting dead relatives’ graveyards and ‘nanashchennya’ are slowly disappearing from the wedding ritual pattern in Bukovyna region. At the post-wedding stage activities which can hardly be regarded as innocent take place. These are costume performances (‘ryadzhennya’) - an allegorical play which is based on inversion and grotesque. At this stage the style of rituals transforms from serious and festive into a hilarious. Theatralization has become an integral part of the wedding ceremony in Sokyriany region at the end of the 20th century - beginning of the 21st century. It serves as a means of communication between guests at the wedding. Personal interpretations of this ritual and improvisations enrich the emotional feedback and atmosphere of the wedding ceremony in Sokyriany region. Based on the analysis of abundant empirical data it was possible to define roles in a wedding ceremony. The most important status belongs to ‘nanashkas’. This wedding rank is a classic example of Bukovyna and Moldovian traditions synthesis. Analysis of field research provides evidence of gender balance among the wedding ranks as well as balance in their functions in the wedding ceremony. It is established that wedding ceremony in Sokyriany region at the end of the 20th century - beginning of the 21st century has a lot of peculiarities; majority of them are of approval nature or represent a kind of life-guiding instructions. The semantics of various attributes is studied: red is a symbol of bride’s virginity, kin and blood; shoes perform the function of ritual substitution of the bride; the comb performs its function during unplaiting the bride. Western culture has had some impact on local traditions and introduced to bride’s wedding dress such items as veil and garter; wedding bouquet (flowers) has several meanings - it can serve as a decoration for wedding ranks or as a special sign indicating the social status or hierarchy of the wedding ranks (bridegroom, best man etc.). Environmental semantics has been preserved at all the stages of wedding ceremonies i.e. separate locuses (house, yard, path or way etc.). ‘Gates’ symbolize the beginning and the end of a life path. They are a conditional boundary between the two worlds. In a modern wedding ‘gates’ typically have an arc shaped top, which is an analogue of a traditional ‘wedding tree’ but is absent in Sokyriany wedding tradition. Arc above the gates is a symbol of transition from unmarried life into the status of a married couple. In a post-wedding cycle, the rituals of riding in a cart (trough, ladder etc.), putting wreaths, and giving bouquets are symbols of gratitude to parents who fulfilled their parental function by marrying their offspring. Both male and female guests are involved in costume performances (‘ryadzennya’) which have hilarious nature. During these performances participants dress up as the opposite sex with exaggerated genital characteristics. These performances are a ritual of misbehavior and fun. The process of introducing the couple to their own ‘bread and basket’ is the final element in the overall wedding rituals pattern. The research shows that traditional Ukrainian song has almost disappeared from wedding music accompaniment nowadays. All the rituals and ceremonies are accompanied by verbal utterances and instrumental music. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Дисертація є першою спробою аналізу весільної обрядовості українців Сокирянського району Чернівецької області кінця ХХ - початку ХХІ ст. У роботі простежено зміни, які відбулися у структурі і змісті весільної обрядовості українців досліджуваного району, визначено локальні варіанти та властиві їм типові етнографічно-специфічні ознаки, з’ясовано розвиток весільної обрядовості в умовах міжетнічних контактів. Вперше розглянуто елементи театралізації, проаналізовано візуальний атрибутивний ряд весільного ритуалу Сокирянщини в умовах глобалізаційних процесів; визначено джерела та механізми утворення нових обрядових актів та атрибутів; уведено до наукового обігу новий фактологічний матеріал, отриманий в результаті експедиційних польових розвідок, проведених у 29 населених пунктах Сокирянщини. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника» uk_UA
dc.subject весільна обрядовість uk_UA
dc.subject Сокирянщина uk_UA
dc.subject структурно-семантичні трансформації uk_UA
dc.subject художні трансформації uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Wedding Rituals in Sokyriany Region at the end of the 20th Century - beginning of the 21st Century (structural-semantic aspects, art and culture) uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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