Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author ЛИСИНЮК, МАРИНА ВІТАЛІЇВНА
dc.date.accessioned 2021-05-06T09:42:21Z
dc.date.available 2021-05-06T09:42:21Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Лисинюк М. В. Мова як універсальна форма буття національної культури : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступ. канд. культурології : спец. 26.00.01 «Теорія та історія культури» / Марина Віталіївна Лисинюк ; Київ. нац. ун-т культури і мистецтв. К., 2019. 16 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2902
dc.description The research is devoted to the study of language as a form of national culture existence, which transfers the treasures of theculture from generation to generation; and as a culture tool that forms the personality of a person, the native speaker, through the language imposed on him and the picture of the world laid down in the language, mentality, attitude towards people, etc., that is, through the culture of the people who use this language as a means of communication. The study also specifies the specifics of civilization relations and language. Presented in terms of dialogue concepts, «language and civilization» problem shows the rigid opposition of civilization and cultural sections of social life and, accordingly, the regression motives of language in civilization, which manifests itself in its erosion, unification, alienation from real life and creativity. It is emphasized that the linguistic picture of the world is a specific system, which is determined by two main determinants: laws of language, and also the character and content of the picture of the world. Types of the picture of the world are mythological, religious, scientific, common sign for which is language, which in the world pictures performs certain functions: expression form, designation way, knowledge tool, regulation. The nature of the language world picture depends on the main features and functions of the world picture type and promotesthe formation and consolidation of these features. It is noted that in the ethnic identification, language plays the role of one of ethnic self-consciousness elements. In various scientific concepts, language is one of the basic elements in ethnic external identification and internal self-identification, one of the key conditions for determining an ethnic group. Language affiliation and ethnic origin are different phenomena, although they often coincide. Attention is drawn to the attitude towards Ukrainian language as an ethnic feature in the Russian Empire in XVIII-XIX centuries. The chronological and territorial boundaries of the study cover the territory of Ukrainian lands, incorporated into the Russian Empire, for which during XVIII-XIX centuries characteristic processes, on the one hand, formation of Ukrainian literary language, and, on the other hand, reducing its social prestige through the use of a wide range of political instruments and indirect levers of influence. Activation of Ukrainian movement in the second half of XIX century, faced severe measures to restrict the use of Ukrainian language. Repressive methods against Ukrainian language by Russian government and Russian Church, which were still used by imperial and Soviet authorities to fight Ukrainian language and conscious Ukrainians, are analyzed. It is emphasized that contrary to the official ideological guidelines in Russian society, there was no unequivocal conviction regarding the status of Ukrainian language as an independent language or Russian dialect. The final discriminatory policy towards Ukrainian language was secured by Valuev Circular and Ems Ukaz (Decree), according to which it was forbidden to print religious, educational books in Ukrainian language, which had to be ousted from the cultural sphere and limited by domestic use, which led to the temporary disorganization of Ukrainian movement in Dnieper Ukraine (Naddnipryanshchyna). A wide range of national-cultural issues that confirmed the historical and cultural identity of Ukrainian people, its long-standing civilization traditions on its land were propagated on the pages of Ukrainian sociopolitical, literary and artistic magazine «Osnova», the main idea for which was the language problem, as well as Ukrainian identity formulation. The contribution of Ukrainian literature representatives to the development of Ukrainian literary language, formation of national revival movement has been found out. It was indicated that Ukrainian intelligentsia representatives advocated the idea that the language was a connecting link between educated part of society, in which the perception of Ukrainian political nation was formed, and wide strata of the population. It was this generation of intellectuals who acted in a single cultural field, played aleading role in common Ukrainian identity formation. In the second half of XIX century, their efforts were directed towards Ukrainian literary language formation and expansion of its sphere of use. A special role in this process belonged to T. Shevchenko work. Thanks to conscious Ukrainians, Ukrainian language revolted as the main and indispensable part of personal and collective identity, and, ultimately, as a powerful weapon in the struggle for its national culture. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Дисертація присвячена дослідженню мови як форми буття національної культури, чинника її становлення і поширення. Вказано на специфіку відносин цивілізації і мови, наведено основні детермінанти, якими визначається мовна картина світу, характер якої залежить від основних ознак і функцій типу картини світу. Зазначено, що в етнічній ідентифікації мова відіграє роль одного з елементів етнічної самосвідомості. Звернено увагу на ставлення до української мови як етнічної ознаки у Російській імперії у XVIII-XIX ст. Проаналізовано репресивні методи проти української мови з боку російського уряду та російської церкви, які й надалі використовувалися імперською та радянською владою для боротьби з українською мовою та свідомим українством. Наголошено на внеску представників українського письменства у розвиток української літературної мови, становлення руху національного відродження. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв uk_UA
dc.subject мова uk_UA
dc.subject універсальна форма буття uk_UA
dc.subject буття uk_UA
dc.subject національна культура uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Language as a universal form of national culture existence uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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