Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.date.accessioned 2021-09-21T09:18:04Z
dc.date.available 2021-09-21T09:18:04Z
dc.date.issued 2007
dc.identifier.citation Русавська В. А. Гостинність в українській побутовій культурі ХІХ ст. : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступ. канд. іст. наук : спец. 17.00.01 "Теорія та історія культури" / Валентина Андріївна Русавська ; Київ. нац. ун-т культури і мистецтв. К., 2007. 19 c. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3411
dc.description The dissertation is devoted to the investigation of place and role of hospitality in the Ukrainian everyday culture of the XIXth century. For the first time hospitality has been investigated as an integral social and cultural phenomenon. The historiography of the problem has been examined as well as it's source base; factors which influenced the nature of hospitality as an aspect of the Ukrainian everyday culture of the XIX cent. have been determined; main theoretical approaches onto understanding the phenomenon of hospitality have been summa-rized. As a result of more precise specification of the culturological content of main terms (guest, hospitality, welcoming, guest gift, folk, urban, church and monastery hospitality, so on) two substantial categories, which characterize the historic and eth-no-cultural essence of hospitality, have been distinguished in conceptual and categor-ical matter. The main characteristics have been defined; the principal functions of hospitality have been cleared up: religiousness, symbolism, communicativeness; sacrality); it's structure has been revealed (everyday, festive, family, public); specific peculiarities of different social strata hospitalities have been analyzed, on the grounds of which folk, urban, church and monastery hospitalities have been substantiated; main periods of hospitality have been revealed. In the thesis the following idea has got its grounds: the phenomenon of hospitality has not been treated yet as a matter of through scientific comprehension, has not been examined from culturological position, instead it has been researched within ethno-graphic studies. On the basis of their analysis the conclusion has been done that the Ukrainian mentality peculiarities are reflected in the hospitality. Hospitality as a real-ization of people’s everyday life forms and reflection of the world is regarded as one of the structural components of people’s mentality, psychic, intellectual, religious, esthetic and other peculiarities of thinking of certain community, social group or sep-arate individual, which are realized in culture, language, behavior and so on. On the grounds of systematization and analysis of ethnographic, sociological, cul-turological, anthropological, geographical and other studies the following conclusion has been drawn: hospitality is a multi-sided social and cultural phenomenon which needs interdisciplinary investigation. It has been proved that the specific nature of the Ukrainian hospitality is predeter-mined by the peculiarities of cultural and historic development, to a great extent caused by medial location of the Ukrainian ethnos, in the conditions of geographical neighboring with the population of the abutting territories, which tended to expand its habitat. The double function of the boundary collocation has been determined: de-fensive and regenerative stimulative; its influence onto local modi highlighting in the Ukrainian hospitality has been regarded. Hospitality is regarded as a result of Ukrainians natural adaptation, which been in-fluenced by different inner and outer factors over a long historic period of time. Due to that hospitality is regarded in historical and cultural aspects as a component of the traditional everyday culture in correlation with its other elements. The influence of the processes of industrialization and urbanization onto the specific nature of hospitality in the XIX cent. has been discovered. It was resulted in arranging public service establishments aiming at satisfaction of mass needs and mass service. Changes in family and individual everyday life as well as in the corresponding sym-bolic and ritual hospitality forms have been traced. The conclusion about the sacral nature of receiving guests’ ritual in the Ukrainian hospitality has been made, its three stages have been highlighted: invitation, welcom-ing, seeing off; their content has been discovered. It has been shown that the Ukrainian society of the XIX cent. was formed by the controversial unity of different strata and social groups, in the presence of common and antagonistic interests, which influenced the differentiation of hospitality types and forms as well as the procedure of arranging corresponding establishments for different social strata. The urbanization processes predetermined modernization and application of in-novations, introducing the threat of chaotic state to culture, including everyday cul-ture, and furthered the development of urban hospitality. Perception of the urban area and its main square (maidan) as a sacral centre, evidenced about the renascence of the principal archetypes of the archaic culture, the contraposition “Cosmos-Chaos” be-longed to as well. Coming back to historical routes could be explained by fact that merchants, entrepreneurs, bourgeoisie in first and second generations still were con-nected to the traditional values system, so far being originated from the countryside and practically unfamiliar with the urban culture as such. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Дисертація присвячена з`ясуванню місця і ролі гостинності в українській побутовій культурі ХІХ ст. Гостинність уперше досліджено як цілісне соціокультурне явище. Вивчено історіографію проблеми, її джерельну базу; визначено фактори, що справили вплив на характер гостинності як складової української побутової культури ХІХ ст; узагальнено основні теоретичні підходи до осмислення феномена гостинності. Результатом уточнення культурологічного змісту основних понять (гість, гостинність, гостина, гостинець; селянська, міська гостинність і т. ін.) стало виокремлення в понятійно-категоріальному апараті двох змістових груп, що характеризують сутність гостинності. Охарактеризовано ознаки і виявлено функції гостинності: релігійність, символічність, комунікативність, сакральність; розкрито її структуру (буденна, святкова, родинна, громадська); проаналізовано специфічні особливості гостинності рі-зних верств населення. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв uk_UA
dc.subject гостинність uk_UA
dc.subject українська побутова культура ХІХ ст. uk_UA
dc.subject побутова культура uk_UA
dc.subject гість uk_UA
dc.subject гостина uk_UA
dc.subject гостинець uk_UA
dc.subject селянська гостинність uk_UA
dc.subject міська гостинність uk_UA
dc.subject види гостинності uk_UA
dc.subject заклади гостинності uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Hospitality in the Ukrainian everyday culture of the XIX cent. uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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