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dc.contributor.author | Чернець, Марія Олекландрівна | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-10-16T10:19:45Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-10-16T10:19:45Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017 | |
dc.identifier.citation | Чернець М. О. Культурна столиця у контексті розвитку національного бренду (на прикладі європейського досвіду) : дис. на здоб. наук. ступеня канд. культурології : 26.00.01 «Теорія та історія культури» / М. О. Чернець ; М-во культури України. НАКККіМ.– Київ. – 192 с. | uk_UA |
dc.identifier.uri | http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2217 | |
dc.description | The thesis is devoted to the investigation of cultural capital, a city which plays a crucial role in the nation brand forming. The work reveals the basic theoretical aspects of the study, analyzes the dynamics of development of the initiative «European capital of culture» as the most influential and comprehensive cultural event, involved in the process of cultural development of the European Union. The present research considers the essence of complex and interdisciplinary concepts of brand and branding on the basis of the factual scientific material and analyzes the theoretical reflection of their origin, formation and classification. The author determines the core elements of a nation brand as an important concept, which provides the crucial competitive advantage for countries in an increasingly globalized world. An attempt to reveal the role, place and processes of the influence of culture on the Ukrainian nation brand forming is carried out. It is found out that brand and culture are interconnected, every territory has its own unique culture and a brand being a part of particular place culture, transmits it. In spite of incessant process of globalization culture remains unique for each community, geographical area that gives every country an opportunity to stand out. The present research also reveals the essence of concepts of city, capital, capital of culture. In the cultural sense, there is center and periphery, a capital and a province in any country. Such centers recently have started to hold the title of the capitals of culture around the world. It was found out that a cultural capital is not just a territorialadministrative unit, as its peculiarity is determined by the cultural dominant. It is the center of cultural life of the state, which is qualitatively and quantitatively different from other cities and is notable for cultural content, features and value. The cultural capital not only has unlimited potential for leisure, enculturation of residents and guests of the city, but plays a leading role in the formation of a national brand, creating, supporting and developing of the country's image on the international level. The author studies the history of the «European Capital of Culture» (ECoC) initiative, its legal framework and dynamics of its development. The study considers European experience and modern lines of development of geographical zones in the conditions of globalization, identifies the place and role of culture in solving social problems, attraction of investments, support and development of the brand of a territory within the ECoC. The author states that culture has an honorable mission not only to have positive effects on the development of national cultures and preservation of national identity, but also on the popularization ofthe territory. The most important task in today’s globalized world is to preserve and enhance the cultural identity and the uniqueness of different places. The author states that the culture-creative mission of the ECoC initiative is aimed at place itself, its guests and residents in the local and global sense, focusing on the social aspect of the mission, its unifying and humanistic component. Culture-creative mission is also seen in the development of national cultural products that stimulate the inner growth of the country and its development of positive image in the world, the formation of urban cultural space, urban architectonics and as a result the harmonization of all the city's cultural space. The culture-creative mission of the initiative is also considered in the context of the local and national place branding, because cultural activities shape the image and reputation of a city as well as a country. Recently, Petro Poroshenko the President of Ukraine has identified two important programs, one of which is the further popularization of Ukraine in the world. The implementation of this program is nothing but a matter of carrying out effective branding strategy for Ukraine. That is why the cultural sector today acquires new meaning and needs new approaches to cultural policy, as well as recognizing its role in the development of Ukrainian state. Domestic experience and modern trends in city branding in Ukraine are analyzed. Thus, it is concluded, that «Capital of сulture» is an essential part of the process of creating a unique brand of Ukraine, which could contribute to the country's part in global integration processes, strengthening the competitive position of the state in today's globalized world. A model of cultural branding of the Ukrainian city is developed. | uk_UA |
dc.description.abstract | Дисертація присвячена комплексному дослідженню культурної столиці як особливого брендового міста, що відіграє надзвичайно важливу роль у формуванні національного культурного бренду як усередині країни, так і у світовому культурному просторі. У роботі розкрито основні теоретичні положення дослідження, проаналізовано динаміку розвитку ініціативи «Європейська культурна столиця» як найбільш відомої та впливової комплексної культурної програми, втіленої в процес культурної розбудови Європейського Союзу. Проаналізовано вітчизняний досвід і сучасні тенденції брендингу міст України. Виявлено найбільш перспективний підхід до формування й просування національного бренду країни та представлено модель культурного брендингу українського міста. | uk_UA |
dc.language.iso | uk_UA | uk_UA |
dc.publisher | Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв | uk_UA |
dc.subject | бренд, національний бренд, міський бренд, культурний бренд, геобрендинг, міська ідентичність, культурна столиця, місто, культурний простір, міжкультурний діалог, глобалізація, культуротворча місія, «Європейська культурна столиця» | uk_UA |
dc.title | Культурна столиця у контексті розвитку національного бренду (на прикладі європейського досвіду) | uk_UA |
dc.title.alternative | Capital of Culture in the Context of Nation Brand Development (based on European experience) | uk_UA |
dc.type | Other | uk_UA |