DSpace Repository
DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.
Communities in DSpace
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Verkhovtseva, Iryna
This research into the participation of local self-government bodies in the second half of the 19th and
early 20th centuries in the formation of Ukraine’s public library space is crucial given the need to study the factors ...
Pugach, Liubov
The relevance lies in the in-depth analysis of the problems of development and transformation
of library and information services, as well as in the changed user requests and information needs caused by
the information ...
Patriak, Oleksandra
The digital society is characterised by the use of various technologies and exhibits diverse developmental
trends. Digitalisation facilitates everyday life and enhances business process efficiency. The research aims to ...
Komova, Мaria; Drapaliuk, Dmytro
The processes of digitisation in society have an impact on the technological, socio-economic, and
demographic aspects of developing and implementing educational programs in the library and information sector.
This ...
Kovalska, Lesia; Kovalskyi, Hryhorii; Vozyanov, Ivan
Transformational changes in the modern scientific environment are conditioned by the information
and technological development of all branches, among which document science has undergone significant
changes due to ...
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