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dc.contributor.author | Ляшенко, Лідія Леонідівна | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-10-21T10:06:54Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-10-21T10:06:54Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018 | |
dc.identifier.citation | Ляшенко Л. Л. Феномен таланту в культурологічному дискурсі (на матеріалі життя та творчості Еріха Корнгольда) : дис. на здоб. наук. ступеня канд. культурології : 26.00.01 «Теорія та історія культури» (культурологія) / Л. Л. Ляшенко ; М-во культури України. НАКККіМ. – Київ, 2018. – 245 с. | uk_UA |
dc.identifier.uri | http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2237 | |
dc.description | The dissertation for the first time in Ukrainian culture science researches the phenomenon of talent of the composer Е. Korngold. It clarifies the role of social, biological, sociobiological and personal factors in the development of talent of musician in cultural society, and traces the history of ideas concerning the «Steps of gift». Relying on one of the fundamental methods of cultural science — «biograph?- sm», the course of life and creative development of E. Korngold is reconstructed. Thus, the theories of well-known psychologists and psycho-analysts (C. Lombroso, S. Freud, A. Adler, N. Yejnish, C. Eliacheff, E. Erikson, M. Klein, A. Freud) are analyzed to discover the expediency of culturological use of them for the study of figure of E. Korngold. In the process of reconstruction of the course of life and creative way of the musician who has not had mental or physical defects, there is justified the use of pathographical method (S. Freud) since it is possible to talk of a «moral injury» which become apparent after return of the artist from emigration when he was fully forgotten on the motherland. New facts are put into scientific circulation which concern features of the course of life and creative development of E. Korngold, as well as specific sociocultural, biologically inherited and personal factors of his talent which can become a soil for subsequent researches of personality of the artist. The powerful role of sociocultural factor which caused irrefutable influence on formation of creative personality of the artist was determined by means of an analysis of social, cultural, historical and political situation of that time. The role of «microenvironment» (family) and «macro-environment» (European society and American society) in formation of talent of E. Korngold was differentiated. It is also marked the importance of «topos of talent» of the artist (Slovakia-Austria) — as geo- and sociocultural environment — that directly influenced formation of the character of creative personality and features of talent of composer. The analysis of «macroenvironment» made in research proved to be a ground for the culturological understanding of essence of talent and its interconditionality with the sociocultural environment. The complexity and ambiguousness of interrelations «Korngold — society» was emphasized. The talent of E. Korngold is presented as a complex phenomenon that has both the universal and specific features which make it unique and inimitable. In the context of study of the personal factors of Erich Korngold’s works the idea of the artist’s personality is supplemented with the analysis of features of his identity — phenomenal memory, fantasy, imagination, capability to work, independence from the position of the others, emotional perception, intuition, originality, a need for a novelty, charismatic personality and others. It was fixed that the talent of Austrian composer was founded on the powerful inherited abilities among which were early propensity to practicing music, absolute pitch, sense of rhythm, phenomenal musical memory, vocal ability, ability to play the piano, composer’s and conductor’s qualities. The work emphasizes the expediency of considering creative activity of Erich Korngold as such that had stimulated deepening of European-American cultural dialogue in the first half of the20th century. The features of composer’s work in classic genres and with soundtrack are studied and his contribution to their development is traced. It is emphasized that Viennese composer foresaw the future for soundtrack, since due to his vision of all-adequacy and autonomy of musical accompaniment from a visual picture the composer was able to culture-dialogically enrich this picture by means of past epoch (symphonism, system of leitmotifs, developed thematically, rich orchestration and others) and incarnate his own idea of soundtrack as «opera without singing» to create a new musical genre which is considered by many theorists as an analogue of symphonic poem. The analysis and systematization of mentions of composer’s contemporaries, artists and theorists of the second half of the 20th — beginning of the 21th century was carried out with the purpose to discover in scientific works of that period the basic tendencies for understanding the development of the phenomenon of talent of Erich Korngold and process of inculturation of his creative work leads to the following conclusions: transatlantic acknowledgement of creative work of the Austrian artist is proven, because as early as at the age of thirteen the name of Erich Korngold was known not only in Europe, but also in the United States of America. Music theorists and well-known musicians pose in their arguments a wide circle of questions concerning the phenomenon of Viennese wunderkind, namely: defining of sources of his unique gift, specific character of his creative process and interconnection of his course of life and creative work in «culturography of talent» and purely musicological questions such as features of musical style and innovative traits peculiar to works of Austrian composer, description of his orchestration, thematic plan, etc. It was put on the question of the definition of status of E. Korngold’s gift taking into account the certain criteria adopted by modern social sciences: a rank of talent or a rank of genius? There were found factors which give a right to view the creative inheritance of the artist as a national acquisition (a criterion of talent) with potential possibility of gradual evolution to world acknowledgement (a criterion of genius). | uk_UA |
dc.description.abstract | У дисертації вперше в українській культурології досліджено феномен таланту композитора Е. Корнгольда, з’ясовано роль соціального, біологічного, соціобіологічного та особистісного факторів у становленні таланту митця в культурному соціумі. У роботі простежено історію розвитку ідей про сутність таланту та «сходинок обдарованості». Спираючись на один із засадничих методів культурології — «біографізм», — відтворено картину життєвого та творчого шляху Е. Корнгольда. Введено у науковий обіг новий фактологічний матеріал стосовно особливостей життєвого та творчого шляху митця та конкретних соціокультурних, біологічно-спадкових та особистісних чинників його таланту. Талант Е. Корнгольда представлений як складне явище, що має як універсальні ознаки, так і специфічні, які і створюють його унікальну та неповторну природу. Наголошено на доцільності розгляду творчої діяльності віденського композитора як такої, що стимулювала поглиблення європейсько-американського культурного діалогу в першій половині ХХ ст. Вивчено особливості роботи композитора у класичних жанрах та саундтреку та простежено його внесок у їхній розвиток. Виявлено фактори, що дають право розглядати творчу спадщину митця як національне надбання (критерій таланту) з потенційними можливостями руху до загальносвітового визнання (критерій геніальності). | uk_UA |
dc.language.iso | uk_UA | uk_UA |
dc.publisher | Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв | uk_UA |
dc.subject | Еріх Корнгольд, феномен таланту, вундеркінд, обдарованість, геніальність, топос таланту, культурографія таланту, біографізм, фактори обдарованості, діалог культур | uk_UA |
dc.title | Феномен таланту в культурологічному дискурсі (на матеріалі життя та творчості Еріха Корнгольда) | uk_UA |
dc.title.alternative | The Phenomenon of Talent in the Cultural Discourse (Based on the Course of Life and Creative Development of E. Korngold). | uk_UA |
dc.type | Other | uk_UA |