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Миргородська школа мистецької кераміки в художній культурі України кінця XIX – першої третини XX століття

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dc.contributor.author Шолуха, Олександр Миколайович
dc.date.accessioned 2020-11-13T08:55:46Z
dc.date.available 2020-11-13T08:55:46Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation Шолуха О. М. Миргородська школа мистецької кераміки в художній культурі України кінця XIX – першої третини XX століття : дис. на здоб. наук. ступеня канд. мистецтвознавства : 26.00.01 – Теорія та історія культури (мистецтвознавство) / О. М. Шолуха ; М-во культури, молоді та спорту України. НМАУ ім. П. І. Чайковського. – Київ, 2020. – 422 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2347
dc.description The research is devoted to the study of art works of the Myrhorod school of ceramic art of the late XIX – the first third of the XX century. The dissertation describes the typology of forms, painting, ornament motifs. It provides the analysis of formal stylistic techniques inherent in the works of the studied zone. The classification of fine art ceramic technologies used in the specified zone is made. The work uses cultural and art studies approaches to regard the artistic and ceramic works of the Myrhorod school of ceramic art of the late XIX – the first third of the XX century in the context of trends of shaping and decoration of objects made in scope of national artistic culture. In the course of studying the historiographical sources, the stages of formation of the Myrhorod educational and ceramic institution were traced. In the initial stages, they were connected with the activities of zemstvo authorities aimed at developing the industrial potential of the region. Subsequently, an important element in this process was the appeal to regional cultural identity as an element of marketing strategy. Similar tendencies were in line with the national and cultural revival and its manifestations in Art Nouveau culture. The Myrhorod art and ceramic institution was one of the centers where the national branch of this style was being formed. The paper reveals the role of Myrhorod educational and ceramic institution as a training and production center of national ceramics, where Ukrainian art style was established, and the world experience in the field of ceramic production was studied and introduced into the educational process with an orientation to polymorphism of innovative practices and their realization in the works of the institution. The decisive role of ceramic artists and pedagogues in the formation of Myrhorod educational and ceramic institution as an experimental laboratory was established. There, a new Ukrainian aesthetics of fine ceramics was synthesized, and advanced world experience in this field was learned. At the same time, the work of prominent figures of national culture influenced the formation of the local artistic identity of the school within the national artistic traditions. The stages of development of Myrhorod school of ceramic art in scope of artistic culture of the end of XIX – the first third of XX century are characterized. It was found out that, initially, in the context of competition between different concepts of the institution development, there was a bias towards the dominance of the manufactural component. The next stage was manifested in the processes of theoretical substantiation of Ukrainian style in architecture and art, on the basis of local originality. At the same time, the period of development in the conditions of revival of the Ukrainian statehood with introduction of innovations by the group of Ukrainian teachers was decisive. The final stage (in terms of the periodization of the study) was the time of activity of the institution in the conditions of formation of the Soviet society with signs of ideologization and orientation to industrialization. As a result of the analysis of the source base from the works of the Myrhorod educational and ceramic institution of the studied period, the following typological groups of the objects were distinguished: vases, vessels, accessories, souvenirs, sculpture, small architectural forms, architectural and decorative ceramics. In terms of formal and stylistic features, works of the Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Boichuk art school and propaganda objects with manifestations of avant-gardism were identified. The materials of the research contribute to the practice of attribution and artexamination of the ceramic artworks of the Myrhorod Art School and will be useful in museums, art collecting and restoration activities. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Дослідження присвячене вивченню художнього спадку Миргородської школи мистецької кераміки кінця XIX – першої третини XX століття. У дисертації охарактеризовано типологію форм, розпис, орнаментальні мотиви, здійснено аналіз формально-стилістичних прийомів, властивих творам досліджуваного осередку. Виявлено роль МНКІ як навчально-виробничого центру вітчизняної кераміки, де вивчався та впроваджувався у навчальний процес світовий досвід у сфері керамічного виробництва з орієнтацією на поліморфічність інноваційних практик і відображення їх у творах закладу. Матеріали дослідження покликані сприяти атрибуції та мистецтвознавчій експертизі керамічних творів Миргородської мистецької школи. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Національна музична академія України імені П. І. Чайковського uk_UA
dc.subject Миргородська мистецька школа, художня культура України, кераміка, орнамент, експертиза, атрибуція, реставрація, традиція uk_UA
dc.title Миргородська школа мистецької кераміки в художній культурі України кінця XIX – першої третини XX століття uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Myrhorod school of ceramic art in artistic culture of Ukraine of the late XIXth – first third of XXth century uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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