Короткий опис(реферат):
Дисертація присвячена висвітленню феномена творчості Василя
Куфлюка (1912–1999) як автора системи інноваційних методів формування абсолютного слуху музиканта-професіонала.
На основі аналізу наукової проблематики абсолютного слуху, зіставлення музично-педагогічних концепцій слухового розвитку та через
залучення розвідок із галузі музичного сприйняття теоретично обґрунтовано методику розвитку абсолютного слуху, створену В. Куфлюком у
процесі багаторічної музично-педагогічної практики. За результатами
експериментального анкетного опитування колишніх учнів В. Куфлюка
зроблено висновки про ефективність його методики, стійкість сформованого абсолютного слуху та вирішальний вплив розвинених на цій
основі здібностей на подальше професійне становлення учнів. У ході
навчального експерименту перевірена дієвість методики В. Куфлюка та
доведена можливість її застосування і вдосконалення в сучасних умовах.
Осмислення гуманістично-виховних та морально-етичних засад творчості В. Куфлюка крізь призму концепту «genius loci» виявляє її ціннісні,
мотиваційні, духовні аспекти, пов’язані із визначальною роллю особистості галицького педагога-музиканта. Отримані результати ілюструють
гуманістичну спрямованість творчих підходів В. Куфлюка та інноваційну
цінність його системи розвитку абсолютного слуху
Суть розробки, основні результати:
The objective of this dissertation is to bring to light the phenomenon of
Vasyl Kuflyuk’s creativity, the author of innovative methods for development
of absolute pitch in music professionals.
Galician musician and teacher V. Kuflyuk was a native of the village of
Vydyniv, Cnyatyn district in Ivano-Frankivsk region. Graduated from the
Kolomyia Ukrainian Graduate School, Warsaw University (Natural Sciences
and Mathematics) and the Warsaw Conservatory (Teacher Training School).
He was an educator and teacher of singing orphans in the Warsaw house «Our
Home» (1933-1939), led by outstanding Polish humanist educator Janusz
Korczak, later the director, long time teacher of the school in Vydyniv and
founder of the original methods of development of absolute pitch.
As a result of Vasyl Kuflyuk’s professional creative activity came into
being the Vydynivsky phenomenon – development of dozens of young talents
in the field of music in a small rural music school. Many of these students have
become acclaimed musicians, among them are – H. Havrylets, I. Moisyak,
B. Frolyak and more.
Vasyl Kuflyuk’s innovative ideas encapsulate the best accomplishments of
European educational traditions as well as native Ukrainian ones rooted in
folklore and deep traditions. These innovative ideas became the foundation of
the original method of perfect pitch development. The effectiveness of this
method has withstood the test of time for half a century. As a result of its
effective implementation, ability to develop absolute pitch became an
impressive tool in professional self-realization of several generations of
Through many years of musical and pedagogical practices and analysis of
the scientific problems of absolute pitch as well as matching musicpedagogical concepts of auditory development and exploration of the field of
musical perception, V. Kuflyuk created his methods of absolute pitch
development. The method was created during discovered effectiveness
formation the absolute hearing in early childhood. He used monotonality
musical material and song prompts that provide education of successive and
simultaneous mechanisms of recognition and playback pitch (passive and
active absolute pitch). According to the disclosed key in the thesis mechanisms
of music and auditory perception, his methods indicated a monotonality
singing system of development of absolute pitch. It is noted that musical and
pedagogical approach of V. Kuflyuk meets modern criteria system of
development of professional musical pitch.
Based on questionnaires of V. Kuflyuk’s former students, conclusions
were derived about the effectiveness of the used methods, influence of
developed musical abilities on further career of the students.
Pedagogical experiments tested for efficacy of the methods and results
have proved that it is possible to reproduce and further improve V. Kuflyuk’s
approach in current conditions.
Through the prism of the «genius loci» concept there are highlighted the
ethical features of individual style of pedagogical creativity of V. Kuflyuk and
are revealed social significance of his activity in creating a Vydyniv village
cultural environment. Results of the study include evaluation of the musical
heritage by Vasyl Kuflyuk, an educator of many professional musicians
generations, which are well-known in Ukraine and abroad.
The results present the humanistic orientation of educational approaches
and the innovative value of system of absolute pitch development, as well as
the scientific and theoretical importance of V. Kuflyuk’s musical and
educational experiment.