Короткий опис(реферат):
На основі історико-книгознавчого аналізу відтворено цілісну картину видання шкільних підручників з хімії в Україні у 1921-2014 рр., здійснено їхню бібліографічну реконструкцію. Виокремлено та охарактеризовано два періоди у розвитку навчального книговидання, зумовлені реформуванням освітньої сфери під впливом соціально-політичних перетворень в Україні як республіці в складі СРСР і в суверенній державі. Здійснено історико-книгознавчий аналіз підручників з хімії, виданих у радянську добу і період незалежності. На основі побудови структурно-функціональних моделей шкільних підручників з хімії простежено еволюцію їхнього змісту і форми, виявлено наступність і оригінальність у їхній видавничій інтерпретації, що має важливе значення і для відтворення історії їхнього видання, і для удосконалення сучасної практики підручникотворення.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
Based on the historical and bibliological analysis of chemistry textbooks, intended for general education institutions, the evolution of their materialization, essential both for reconstructing the history of publishing and improving current practice of school textbooks creation, was studied. The typological features of a school textbook, as the publication where basics of a science are presented systematically in accordance with the educational standard, program and philosophy, and in relation to the didactic, psychological, sanitary, hygienic and other requirements, are considered. An integratedand multifaceted classification of school textbooks is developed in the work. It takes into account the meaning, purpose, material design, content originality, re-issuing etc.Two periods of educational publishing, resulting from the reform of educationalsphere under the influence of social, economic and political reforms in Ukraine, as ex-USSR republic in the past and the sovereign state at present, were highlighted. The main stages and special features of chemistry textbooks publishing in the context ofdevelopment of educational textbooks creation in Ukraine were characterized. Identification and review of textbooks, scattered around Ukrainian libraries, made it possible to compile the list of chemistry textbooks published in Ukraine during 1921-2014 as neither bibliographic reference books nor library collections have reflected such information in full so far. Based on hierarchical and functional chemistry textbooks models the evolution of their publishing and printing was traced. The continuity and novelty of chemistry school textbooks publishing interpretation at different stages of their publishing within two historical periods were determined.The Soviet period is differentiated into three stages. The first stage falls at 1920s - the beginning of 1930s. At that time, original and translated textbooks on chemistry were adapted to the integrated and project based system of education. These textbooks were printed in private, cooperative and state publishing houses. The second stage started along with the restoration of class-lessons based system and issuing of one common and unified Soviet translated textbook by V. Verkhovskii, L. Smorgonskii and Ya. Holdfarb in Radianska Shkola printing house (1933-1948). The third stage falls at the end of 1940s - the beginning of 1990s when textbooks by D. Kiriushkin, V. Levchenko, A. Smirnov, G. Shelinskii, Yu. Hodakov, L. Tsvetkov, G. Rudzitis, and others were re-issued annually. Gradually the share of additional, explanatory texts is increased, definitions become diversified; colour illustrations on paste-in slips are introduced; single-colour letterpress printing is changed into two-colour offset printing.
A separate period in the development of school textbooks falls at the years of independence. The first stage in publication of national textbooks, where Ukrainian context is revealed through the prism of personalities, toponyms, nomenosphere of productions etc., fell at the mid 1990s. At that time Perun and Osvita printing houses published pilot textbooks by N. Burynska, L. Velychko and others. The second stage began in the late 1990s, when the content of these textbooks was updated; a new chemical nomenclature was introduced; indices, symbols, dictionaries were given; the design was improved. The third stage (started in 2007) and the fourth stage (started in 2010) are associated with the release of improved textbooks for primary and high school based on the competitive results. Then the publishing offer was extended up to four textbooks by different authors and printing houses. In these textbooks sections are structured clearly; creative tasks and reference lists are presented; colour illustrations are given; indention range is extended; headings become more vivid; signalling symbols with a pronounced subject «connotation» are used; footers are introduced etc. It was proved that for almost a hundred years chemistry textbook has considerably changed. It has gone the way from being ideologically biased, atheistically tuned edition, created to glorify the success of the Soviet state, to the modern Ukrainian-cenred information product. The evolution of quality in text paragraphs structuring, illustrations, reference and search components addition, decoration and printing perfor-mance affecting the aesthetic attractiveness, ergonomics, durability and safety of a book for pupils was traced. It was noted that in spite of interactive learning tools, the book format has not depleted its possibilities, and high quality and creative printing interpretation of educational texts ensure its viability and effectiveness in the future.