Show simple item record Князєва, Тетяна Миколаївна 2021-03-22T13:54:53Z 2021-03-22T13:54:53Z 2007
dc.identifier.citation Князєва Т. М. Традиційна культура греків Приазов'я : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступ. канд. мистецтвознавства : спец. 17.00.01 "Теорія та історія культури" / Тетяна Миколаївна Князєва ; Київ. нац. ун-т культури і мистецтв. К., 2007. 20 с. uk_UA
dc.description In the dissertation by the system analysis of archival, documentary and ethnographic materials the basic tendencies of the development of the traditional culture of the Greeks of the Priazovye in the cultural context of the second half of ХХth century are investigated; the reasons and character of the basic stages of the development by the Greeks of territory of region, migration processes in the cultural context are reproduced; the concrete historical conditions influencing in the development of the traditional culture of the Priazovye Greeks are characterized; on the basis of materials of the folklore ceremonial art in the culturological aspect the common laws and specific features of existing of the traditional culture of the Mariupol Greeks are analyzed; the unique art forms of the traditional culture of the Priazovye Greeks are covered. Number of works is devoted directly to the analysis of traditional culture of the Mariupol Greeks in a historical context. But the publications, which exist, do not give the exhausting representation in the culturological context about the development of the traditional culture of the Priazovye Greeks on the present time. Any ethnic formation should have the wholly generated system of the culture, the ordered traditions for its functioning. The nonreflection or reflection mastering of the experience of the previous generations prevails in the traditional culture. The main conditions of the inheritance of the traditions are 1) support by carriers; 2) continuity of the process of the inheritance. The cultural traditions should be rather precise and proof, that experience and information, which they carry, could successfully be applied, and be transferred by the following generation, but also these traditions should be and rather flexible to enable to form the new models of the transfer of the information, the experience, the forms of behaviour so that the culture remained capable to existence. There are three periods in the history of the culture, to which the formation of the Greek Diaspora is connected: antique, Byzantium and modern. The most ancient Greek settlements in the territory of the modern Ukraine have appeared in the antique epoch. It is about the cities - policies created in the VІІ-V сent. AD at the Black Sea coast. Of those times till now there were the old monuments of the culture and the names of the antique origin. This initial period of the formation of the Greek population logically to name antique. The following stage of the Greek colonization ascends to the old Slav connections, in particular after acceptance of the Christianity in the Х century. It was accompanied by the wide trade, church, scientific and cultural relations between the peoples, which continued to exist and after the fall of the Byzantine empire. This period (X-XV cent.) we shall name Byzantine. The formation of the modern Greek communities of the Ukraine began in the ХVІІ century, when on its grounds the first Greeks - migrants have appeared. The Greek Priazovye community was based by Prichernomorye Greeks. The cultural adaptation of the Greeks on the Ukrainian grounds passed in the conditions of the development of the education and art. Educational institutions, library actively opened, theatres etc. were organized. The Greek communities initiated the opening of many public organizations: educational, charitable and art. The tendencies of development of a spiritual heritage of the Greek people are characterized by stability and at the same time susceptibility to other national influences. Family and calendar ceremonies of the Priazovye Greeks form the original system of the emotional coordinates, in which the man of the traditional culture comfortably feels. To the unique forms of the traditional culture of the Priazovye Greeks concern the ceremonies, namely: maternity, wedding and funeral. The lot of religious-magic ceremonial elements have lost the initial functions, having received another, as a rule, of symbolical importance. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract В дисертації шляхом системного аналізу архівних, документальних та етнографічних матеріалів досліджено основні тенденції розвитку традиційної культури греків Приазов’я в культурному контексті другої половини ХХ століття; відтворено причини і характер основних етапів освоєння греками території регіону, міграційних процесів у культурологічному контексті; охарактеризовано конкретно-історичні умови, що впливали на розвиток традиційної культури приазовських греків; на основі матеріалів з галузі фольклорного обрядового мистецтва в культурологічному плані простежено загальні закономірності та специфічні особливості побутування традиційної культури маріупольських греків; висвітлено самобутні мистецькі форми традиційної культури греків Приазов’я. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв uk_UA
dc.subject традиційна культура uk_UA
dc.subject греки uk_UA
dc.subject Приазов’є uk_UA
dc.subject культура uk_UA
dc.title Традиційна культура греків Приазов'я uk_UA
dc.title.alternative The traditional culture of the Greeks of the Priazovye uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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