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dc.contributor.author Коротецька, Юлія Дмитрівна
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-05T11:49:14Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-05T11:49:14Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Коротецька Ю. Д. Сучасний документаційний супровід діяльності православних релігійних організацій України : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступ. канд. наук із соц. комун. : спец. 27.00.02 "Документознавство, архівознавство" / Юлія Дмитрівна Коротецька ; Нац. б-ка України ім. В. І. Вернадського. К., 2019. 19 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2696
dc.description Thesis research is devoted to the development of the conceptual framework for improving the documentation of the activities of the Orthodox religious organizations of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization of the online communication space. The complex use of socio-communicative, systemic-functional, historical approaches allowed the candidate for a degree establishing the specific properties of religious communication; levels and directions of communication interaction of religious organizations, components of the system of documentation support of their religious and extra cult activities; investigating arrangement and technological problems and prospects of development of online documentation of the activities of religious organizations; identifying effective channels and means of online church communications that are aimed at improving the performance of religious documents in modern society. The sectorial subsystem of religious documentation has specific properties that are conditioned by the high degree of uniqueness, sacredness and autonomy of religion as a spiritual sphere of social life. The main types of documents of this subsystem reflect the content of the religious activities of religious institutions, the implementation of their social functions (church books and extracts from them, marriage searches, clergy records, confessional bonds, liturgy journals, census lists of priests and clergy and their children, documents about schismatics etc.). Church books form the largest group of documents. During centuries acts of religious registration of the civil status of believers (baptism, wedding, and burial) were recorded in them. Therefore, they serve as a valuable historical source, and have legal and demographically-statistical functions. The specific properties of religious communication are determined by the peculiarities of the subject scope of activities of religious organizations and are characterized by sacredness, the dominance of oral communication during liturgy, strict regulation of ceremonial acts, and certain conservatism. Communication links between the subjects of church and religious activity generate a document flow, the type-specific structure of which is determined by two main directions of church activity - religious and extra cult. The perspective project of development of the system of documentation support of Orthodox religious organizations, which has organizational, technological and resource components, was developed and substantiated. It envisages for the establishment of an online document management system with the «online office», «online archive» subsystems that are aimed at improving the online documentation of Orthodox religious organizations in conditions of Internet communication space. The scientific novelty of the obtained results of the dissertation research lies in the fact that for the first time in the domestic document science a theoretical attempt was made for adapting the means of documentary and religious communications to the modern requirements of the information society in order to improve the system of online documentation of Orthodox religious organizations. Also, the specific features of religious communication were characterized in a complex way for the first time; features of type-specific composition of systems of infrastructure and sectorial religious documentation, basic types of religious administrative documents; the content and typological constituents of the document content of websites of religious organizations of Christian religious denominations were determined. The practical importance of the obtained results lies in the fact that the results of the dissertation research can be used for the arrangement and systematizing the documentary infrastructure in the activity of religious educational institutions of the religious education system of Ukraine, in the direction of developing modern means and technologies of online church communications; in scientific research in the field of documentary and archival studies, in the system of advanced training of informational and business-administrative activities. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Дисертацію присвячено розробленню теоретичних засад удосконалення документаційного супроводу діяльності православних релігійних організацій України в умовах глобалізації електронного комунікаційного простору. Наукова новизна одержаних результатів дисертаційного дослідження полягає в тому, що зроблена теоретична спроба адаптувати засоби документних та релігійних комунікацій до сучасних вимог інформаційного суспільства. Обґрунтовано наявність базових організаційних рівнів церковної комунікації; охарактеризовано особливості типо-видового складу систем інфраструктурної та галузевої релігійної документацій; з’ясовано особливості основних видів релігійних службових документів; визначено змістовні та типологічні особливості документного контенту веб-сайтів православних релігійних організацій. Запропоновано та обґрунтовано перспективний проект розвитку системи документаційного супроводу православних релігійних організацій. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського uk_UA
dc.subject сучасний документаційний супровід uk_UA
dc.subject документаційний супровід uk_UA
dc.subject православні релігійні організації України uk_UA
dc.subject Україна uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Modern documentation of the activity of Orthodox religious organizations of Ukraine uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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