Короткий опис(реферат):
The section of the monograph is devoted to one of the fundamental problems of modern cultural studies. The process of human subjectivation inmodern Ukrainian society is analyzed. The influence of social-culturalrealities on the process of subjectivation is studied. The modern technologiesof mass manipulation are investigated as repressive forms of information- psychological impact on a person. It is shown that an effective way to resistthe information-psychological impact on a person is to appeal to his immanentintellectual and moral foundations. Innovative technologies and practices ofhuman subjectivation is studied. It is shown that in modern conditions, thevector of human subjectivation is oriented towards communication. The mainaxiological paradigms of modern discourse are dialogism and pluralization of points of view
Суть розробки, основні результати:
As a result of the analysis of the problem of subjectivation of the modernman we come to the following conclusions: 1) subjectivation is the process of becoming historically conditioned subjectivity of man; there is a two-way link between social-cultural reality and the subject: social structures form theconditions for subjectivation of the individual, and the individual, in turn,constructs the social-cultural space; 2) an important factor influencing the process of subjectivation is the repressive element of social-cultural regulationof society; the most effective tool of repression in modern conditions is thetechnology of mass manipulation; 3) effective protection against information- psychological influence on a person is to appeal to immanent intellectual andmoral foundations of man, to such determinants of his subjectivation as willand freedom; resistance to the repressive influence of mass manipulationtechnologies is not the goal itself, but a necessary condition for humansubjectivation; 4) vector of the process of human subjectivation shiftedtowards communication at the present stage of the post-modern (after- postmodern); the main axiological paradigms of modern discourse are
dialogism, reinforcement of one’s personality, pluralisation of points of view.