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dc.contributor.author КУРБАНОВА, ЛІДІЯ ВАЛЕРІЇВНА
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-20T11:31:39Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-20T11:31:39Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Курбанова Л. В. Різновекторна діяльність Павла Маценка в контексті української музичної культури XX століття : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступ. канд. мистецтвознавства : спец. 26.00.01 "Теорія та історія культури" / Лідія Валеріївна Курбанова ; ДВНЗ "Прикарпат. нац. ун-т ім. Василя Стефаника". Івано-Франківськ, 2019. 20 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2823
dc.description Based on the chosen methods and a wide range of sources, the thesis is the first complex study of Pavlo Matsenko’s multifaceted activity in the context of the Ukrainian music culture of the 20th century. It identifies the role of the cultural and artistic environment in the development of his personality as well as his role in the development of the music culture of the Ukrainian diaspora, in particular, P. Matsenko’s practical significance as a conductor for the development of the Ukrainian choral art and the role of his public music activity in the progress of culture of the Western diaspora. The author has analyzed P. Matsenko’s musicological heritage and substantiated its significance for the development of the Ukrainian art history; summarized and typologized his essays, articles and epistolary works; introduced into academic circulation the unknown and little known musicological works, essays, articles and epistolary works by P. Matsenko. The thesis reveals the syncretism of Pavlo Matsenko’s multifaceted activity and his significance for the Ukrainian music culture of the 20th century. It also specifies the essence and content of the category of ‘cultural and artistic activity’ and suggests a new approach to the cultural and artistic activity of the creative personalities of the Ukrainian diaspora. The thesis deepens the study of influence of P. Matsenko’s cultural and artistic activity on the development of the Ukrainian music culture of the 20th century. The objective of the thesis is to solve an important task in the field of art history - to develop a comprehensive, up-to-date, philosophical and art historical vision of P. Matsenko’s multifaceted activity as an integral part of the Ukrainian culture of the 20th century. The novelty of the thesis is determined by its aim, the complex of the scientific objectives to be accomplished and the subject matter of the research. We have substantiated the conception of P. Matsenko’s cultural and artistic activity; described the role of the social environment in the development of the artist’s personality, revealed his multifaceted activity in the context of the epoch and identified P. Matsenko’s role in the development of the music culture of the Ukrainian diaspora. The phenomenon of P. Matsenko’s multifaceted cultural and artistic activity is characterized by a multivariant interrelation of the artist’s individual psychoemotional features and extraordinary qualities such as creative intuition, management, multifunctionality. On the one hand, the cultural and artistic environment as a component of the macroenvironment of culture is a structured environment that influenced the development of P. Matsenko’s personality, on the other hand, the artist is its personification as a committed figure of the Ukrainian music culture. In this respect, the development of the artist’s personality and creative potential would have been impossible without a positive microenvironment (family, church, community, educational institutions). P. Matsenko was motivated to develop and improve his personality due to constant cooperation and communication with outstanding figures of the national cultural and public life of those times. The profoundness and universal comprehensiveness of P. Matsenko’s creative ideas and conceptions makes it clear that he is a high-profile figure. This significance is reflected in his multifaceted cultural and artistic activity, which is a system of interrelated and interdependent types. The dynamics of P. Matsenko’s cultural and artistic activity is closely related to the periods of his life and the extent of its productivity is impressive. His major type of activity was pedagogical one as it ensured the continuity of traditions and the preservation of the national and cultural identity of Ukrainians. P. Matsenko’s academic and pedagogical activity is regarded as his creed and the highest degree of service to Ukraine. The significance of his conductor activity lies in the continuation of the traditions of the Kyiv choir school. His conductor activity is closely connected to his pedagogical, cultural and public activities (higher educational courses, colleges, courses for sextons, choir festivals). P. Matsenko’s productive work as a music and public figure lasted for his whole life - from Cyprus, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Austria to Canada, where his creative initiative manifested itself to the full. When holding the position of the cultural and educational advisor at the UNF (starting from 1939), P. Matsenko organized the first higher educational courses to train dozens of conductors; he was one of the co-founders of the Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre, its long-serving secretary and member of the board; the secretary and later the head of the Council of Ukrainian Culture at the Head Office of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress; the organizer of choir festivals; a co-organizer of the construction of the Ukrainian National Home in Winnipeg; a co-editor of the “Novyi Shliakh (New Way)” weekly. An important area of the artist’s activity was editing and compilative work. P. Matsenko is known for his compilation of the life and works of O. Koshyts and as the editor of lecture materials for the conductor and teacher courses at the UNF. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У дисертації на основі вибраної методики та багатого джерельного матеріалу вперше комплексно досліджено різновекторну діяльність Павла Маценка в контексті української музичної культури ХХ століття; охарактеризовано роль культурно-мистецького середовища у формуванні його особистості. Визначено роль митця в розвитку музичної культури української діаспори, зокрема висвітлено практичну значущість П. Маценка як диригента для розвитку українського хорового мистецтва, роль його музично-громадської діяльності у поступі культури західної діаспори. Проаналізовано музикознавчу спадщину П. Маценка і обґрунтовано її значення для розвитку українського мистецтвознавства; узагальнено публіцистично-епістолярний доробок ученого та здійснено його типологію. Введено в науковий обіг невідомі або маловідомі музикознавчі праці, публіцистику та епістолярій П. Маценка. З’ясовано синкретизм різновекторної діяльності П. Маценка та його значення для української музичної культури ХХ ст. Уточнено зміст категорії «культурно-мистецька діяльність». Запропоновано новий погляд на культурно-мистецьку діяльність творчих особистостей української діаспори. Набуло подальшого розвитку вивчення впливу культурно-мистецької діяльності П. Маценка на поступ української музичної культури ХХ ст. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher ДВНЗ "Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника" uk_UA
dc.subject різновекторна діяльність uk_UA
dc.subject Павло Маценко uk_UA
dc.subject українська музична культура uk_UA
dc.subject музична культура uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Pavlo Matsenko’s Multifaceted Activity in the Context of the Ukrainian Music Culture of the 20th Century uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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