Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Мозговий, Микола Петрович
dc.date.accessioned 2021-06-04T09:16:38Z
dc.date.available 2021-06-04T09:16:38Z
dc.date.issued 2007
dc.identifier.citation Мозговий М. П. Становлення і тенденції розвитку української естрадної пісні : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступ. канд. мистецтвознавства : спец. 17.00.01 "Теорія та історія культури" / Микола Петрович Мозговий ; Київ. нац. ун-т культури і мистецтв. К., 2007. 19 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3006
dc.description In the dissertation the scantily explored in a domestic and world science problem is analyzed. For the first time the main approaches to study of the specified problem are considered. According to the original sources and historical and cultural scientific materials the tendencies of formation and development of the Ukrainian variety songs are covered. The features of development of the Ukrainian variety songs in 50-60th years of the ХХth century are determined. The attributive characteristic and repertoire tendency of the development of the Ukrainian variety songs of 70-80th years of the ХХth century are revealed in the research. The basic art tendencies of the development of the modern Ukrainian variety songs are covered. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of scientific sources the contents of the categorical concepts песенной of the song variety is specified, the phenomenon of the variety songs in a context of historical and cultural transformations is considered, the role of traditions in the formation and statement of the characteristics the Ukrainian variety songs at different historical stages is analyzed. In the dissertation the political, social and cultural basis of the functioning of the Ukrainian variety songs in 50-60th years of the ХХth century are analyzed. At this time the formation of domestic variety songs occurred in a channel of the observance of the traditions of the national melos, and classical romance, operetta and waltz too. There are opened the features of the development of the Ukrainian Soviet variety songs in the dissertation, which defined prospects its further development as a national original kind of musical art. In particular, the genre reorientation of the domestic variety, which has occurred in 60-70th years, is proved as a result of the association of the methods of the national traditional masterly performance with some elements of the western mass musical culture, that has resulted in the occurrence on this basis of new genres; thus the essential amplification of influence of the mass variety on the creativity of the composers of an academic direction is emphasized. The attributive characteristic and the repertoire tendency of the development of the Ukrainian songs variety of the 80th years of the ХХth century in the research are revealed. The conducting style forming tendencies of the folklore current in the Ukrainian variety are concretized. An active combination in the channel of the national musical stylistics of such different currents, as ethno (folk), rock, pop, jazz, the author’s song etc. has ensured to the variety song an appropriate degree of the modernity and at the same time the preservation of the characteristic ethnic traditions. To the negative features of the development of the Ukrainian variety of the specified period it is possible to attribute the weak management and the cultivation of the sensation of the minority in the comparison with a "all-union" variety, nevertheless with the finding of the independence of our state the situation in this sphere began to be corrected. The opening in the work of the basic art tendencies of the modern development of the Ukrainian variety songs is accompanied by the detailed analysis of the reasons and process of the commercialization of the concert activity. The primary factor of strengthening of the theatre-entertainment element in the variety practice is seen in last. The mechanism of the influence of the versions of the musical-variety styles on the formation of the basic genres in the Ukrainian Soviet variety song in the dissertation is proved, in particular of the form of display of a shlager element in the various variety genres are accentuated. The prompt integration in the global market of the show - business and the adaptation to the market relations is characterized as a main tendency of the development of the domestic variety in the independent Ukraine. Thus it is emphasized, that the significant genre-style diversify in the Ukrainian song variety, the riches of the forms and methods of the masterly performance activity testify to its complete self-sufficiency and ability to active development. The especial attention in the research is given to the realizations of the festivals, competitions, reviews, including the executors of the Ukrainian songs, as the important factor of the publicity of a genre. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У дисертації аналізується малодосліджувана у вітчизняній та світовій науці проблема. Вперше розглянуто провідні підходи до вивчення зазначеної проблеми. Відповідно до джерелознавчих та історико-культурних наукових матеріалів висвітлено тенденції становлення і розвитку української пісенної естради. Визначено особливості розвитку української естрадної пісні в 50-60-ті роки ХХ ст. У дослідженні виявлено атрибутивні характеристики та репертуарні тенденції розвитку української пісенної естради 70-80-х років ХХ ст. Висвітлено основні художні тенденції розвитку сучасної української естрадної пісні. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв uk_UA
dc.subject українська естрадна пісня uk_UA
dc.subject естрадна пісня uk_UA
dc.subject українська пісенна естрада uk_UA
dc.subject пісенна естрада uk_UA
dc.subject сценічний жанр uk_UA
dc.subject музична культура uk_UA
dc.subject естрада uk_UA
dc.subject пісня uk_UA
dc.subject пісенна естрада uk_UA
dc.subject тенденції uk_UA
dc.subject стилістичний розвиток uk_UA
dc.subject естрадний колектив uk_UA
dc.subject аматорська пісня uk_UA
dc.subject популярна музика uk_UA
dc.subject шоу-бізнес uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Formation and tendency of development of the Ukrainian variety songs uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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