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dc.contributor.author Перець, Олег Олександрович
dc.date.accessioned 2021-08-20T09:35:06Z
dc.date.available 2021-08-20T09:35:06Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Перець О. О. Принципи художньої організації предметно-просторового середовища (на прикладі Полтавського історико-етнокультурного регіону) : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступ. канд. мистецтвознаства : спец. 26.00.01 "Теорія та історія культури" / Олег Олександрович Перець ; Ін-т проблем сучасного мистецтва НАМ України. К., 2017. 19 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3257
dc.description Today’s Ukraine has entered the period of severe trials. The artists who think with categories of environment are facing a creative task, which is to develop the philosophy of the national environment created by the community while undergoing its transition to other forms of existence. The artistic organisation of the modern Ukrainian object-spatial environment requires novel approaches to implement spiritual advance of the national rise and to immortalize national heroes. Nowadays the principles of the artistic organisation of an object-spatial environment are considered regarding the usage of the systems method. The objectives are to define principles of the artistic organisation of an object-spatial environment based on the analysis of the factors of forming and development of the object-spatial environment of Poltava historical-ethnographic region. The research methodology is based on the usage of historical-theoretical, empirical, and systems methods. The environmental approach is used to study the factors of regional environmental development, to analyse urban systems and museum materialobject complex of Poltava region, as well as to study contemporary works of monumental art. Based on the analysis of European experience in environmental development, the article shows that in a complex system of man’s object-spatial environment, one can single out a system of the artistic organisation formed thanks to structural principles of synthesis and it correlates with the image of all the artistic-object activities in environmental development. The mentioned system of the artistic organisation is based on a complex approach where the synthesis is implemented both by different methods and on different levels, namely with design and artistic synthesis which is a universalstructural manifestation of man’s world view. Problems of environmental development are easy to solve providing that an evolution of artistic-architectural forms goes on in the environmental artistic organisation. It in turns, demonstrates the continuance and historical factor in collective cultural activities of a community. The national-regional focus is still urgent in the contemporary environmental organisation and has an ongoing development perspective. The analysis of the object-spatial environment of Poltava region showed that the research methodology for the artistic organisation of an object-spatial environment should be based on an idea that each component in an environment is a unique social-cultural formation which communicates an artistic-spiritual concept. The artistic organisation of an object-spatial environment appears as a four-level system. Systematization of components of environment is carried out regarding the material and physical peculiarities of their shapes, using at that the creative method based on the way of shape-forming, as well as regarding a type division of works of decorative-and-applied art. As it is architecture which defines an environmental spatial organisation and builds a carcass of an environmental system, a single first-level subsystem of an artistic environmental organisation is created by architectural objects. Nature and natural resources greatly define artistic aspects of the components-subsystems in an object-spatial environment. A natural factor in an environmental or-ganisation defines «the principle of eco friendliness of the artistic organisation of an object-spatial environment». Cultural materials in conjunction with social processes build a sacred basis of a national community. Introduction to the artistic organisation of an object-spatial environment of sacred for community components accounts for «the principle of sanctity». «The principle of the gene factor in the artistic organisation of an object-spatial environment» ensures the fact that an object-spatial environment presents both deep cultural layers and really old traditions of environmental organisation. «The principle of urgency of the artistic organisation of an object-spatial environment» is brought about by a nation’s ability to be a competitive community cherishing at the same time its cultural uniqueness. A community’s ability to express their world view ideas in the artistic organisation of the environment defines «the principle of perspective» in an environmental organisation. «The principle of futurology of the artistic organisation of an object-spatial environment» is applied to ensure a fruitful search for ideas on the environmental organisation. Life span of a nation gets visualized in architectural-artistic forms of the environment which demonstrate a cultural evolution and spiritual advance of the society from ancient times till today. The principles of the environmental artistic organisation implement in environmental visual forms ideas of advancement of a self-conscious and self-determined community of people, and so, they appear as a basis for the complex development of cultural resources for self-identity. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У дисертації показано, що в системі предметно-просторового оточення людини, важливе місце належить системі художньої організації. Розроблено системну модель художньої організації предметно-просторового середовища, за допомогою якої можна структурувати художньо осмислені елементи різних середовищних утворень, з метою проведення науково-дослідних та практичних робіт, пов’язаних із середовищним формотворенням. Встановлено системні зв’язки художньо осмислених складових середовища Полтавщини XVII-XVIIІ ст. Досліджені їх композиційні особливості. Розроблено систему, що забезпечує національну ідентичність середовища. Сформульовано принципи художньої організації предметно-просторового середовища. Розроблено концепцію монументально-декоративних композицій для ефективної корекції художньої організації довкілля на національному грунті. Дослідження надає теоретичну основу для науково-практичних робіт по художньому впорядкуванню середовищних систем українських регіонів. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Полтавський національний технічний університет імені Юрія Кондратюка; Інститут проблем сучасного мистецтва Національної академії мистецтв України uk_UA
dc.subject принципи художньої організації предметно-просторового середовища uk_UA
dc.subject художня організація uk_UA
dc.subject предметно-просторове середовище uk_UA
dc.subject Полтавський історико-етнокультурний регіон uk_UA
dc.subject Полтавщина uk_UA
dc.subject монументально-декоративні композиції uk_UA
dc.subject українські регіони uk_UA
dc.subject художньо осмислений елемент середовища uk_UA
dc.subject компонент середовища uk_UA
dc.subject історико-етнографічний регіон uk_UA
dc.subject середовищний художній знак традиційної естетики uk_UA
dc.title.alternative The principles of the artistic organisation of an object-spatial environment (for example historical-ethnographic Poltava region) uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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