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dc.contributor.author РУСІНА, ВЛАДА СЕРГІЇВНА
dc.date.accessioned 2021-09-21T11:06:39Z
dc.date.available 2021-09-21T11:06:39Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation Русіна В. С. Композиційні особливості протяжних пісень Слобідської України : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступ. канд. мистецтвознавства : спец. 17.00.03 "Музичне мистецтво" / Влада Сергіївна Русіна ; Ін-т мистецтвознав., фольклористики та етнології ім. М. Т. Рильського НАН України. К., 2020. 19 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3412
dc.description The scientific novelty of the thesis lies in comprehensive study of musical aspects of lyrical long melodiousness of Sloboda Ukraine (melodics, mode, texture, vocal rhythm), based on sources of empirical material gained in ethnomusicology and in own expedition records and transcripts of 2010 performed in the Luhansk and Kharkiv regions, as well as own transcripts of lyric songs collected by participants of expeditions of the 1970-80's which are stored in the archives of Kharkiv National University of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevsky. Own records from the villages of the Luhansk region broaden our understanding of the existence of traditional Ukrainian folk melodiousness in this area. The goal of the thesis is systematization, description, identification and theoretical generalization of compositional and structural features of long melodiousness of Sloboda Ukraine, development of vocal rhythm, mode and texture typology of long song, definition of its place in Ukrainian folk art, as well as clarification of its existence in different historical periods. The scientific work uses a set ofgeneral scientific (theoretical, empirical) and special methods for studying samples of song folklore. Methods of textual analysis and verification were used in the study of musicological literature. Methods of structural and comparative analysis, rhythm modeling and syllable composition were used in determination of ethnomusicology characteristics of long songs of Sloboda Ukraine region. Field research methods including survey and photo fixation were used in the development process of the source base. The paper emphasizes that almost 100 hundred years of experience of music folklore collecting by experts contributed to the accumulation of great empirical material devoted to folk melodiousness of Sloboda Ukraine region. The published music collections represent traditional melodiousness of Kharkiv region (L. Novikova, O. Shchetinsky, L. Efremova, the edition of the Kharkiv Regional Centre of Folk Art), Sumy region (O. Steblyanko, V. Dubravin), partly Donetsk region (L. Efremov), partly Luhansk region (Z. Ternovskaya, N. Tkachenko, M. Popova). A large part of expedition records of the 1970-90s, performed by the Laboratory of Folklore of Kharkiv National University of Arts in the villages of Kharkiv region has not been deciphered yet. It is used mainly in educational process. Materials of the Ethnographic Commission of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, which are stored in archival funds of the Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology named after M. T. Rylsky of the National Academy of Sciences don’t contain any musical samples, but they give a broad understanding of song tradition (genres, song samples, ceremonies) in the1920's of the 20th century. To a certain extent, the source base of musical folklore is supplemented by Internet sites, the most powerful of which is Poliphony, which contains videos of traditional songs. The aging of material carriers of musical information, old age of informants of traditional melodiousness cause the need to conduct field research, to process existing funds (decoding of musical and verbal text). It was found that active form of the song tradition in Sloboda Ukraine took place n the 18th - 19th centuries. It was marked by the dominance of wedding and lyric songs, and songs of the winter cycle dominated among calendar and ritual songs. The songs of the spring and summer cycle existed in passive memory, detached from rituals. Since the 1920s, songs of the old tradition have gradually disappeared from use. They were replaced by new folklore. On the basis of the materials of the field researches it was established that the folklore tradition in the present territory of Sloboda Ukraine at the end of 20th - beginning of 21st century was mainly within the limits of passive existence, it remained mainly in the memory of the elderly. The repertoire of performers is mostly composed of Soviet-era folk songs. Traditional Ukrainian songs of the pre-October period which were common in Sloboda Ukraine are rarely mentioned. Individual folk groups study and preserve traditional folk songs of their area, others perform songs which don’t belong to local tradition, using printed collections or imitating contemporary pop artists of the Soviet and post-Soviet times. Performed musicological analysis of song materials shows that long melodiousness in rhythm and compositional aspect represents a variety of forms of poetic structure. Formulas 4 + 6 with different quantitative order of segments and in different combinations are most often used. The texture of lyric long songs of Sloboda Ukraine is defined as sub-voice- polyphonic with division of functions into lower and upper voices – functional two-part singing, in which lower voice acts as a leading melody and upper voice is presented by the triad second with branching in octave unison in cadences. The tone rows of each of polyphony lines are divided into narrow-ambitus and wide-ambitus tones. Mode supports of songs with a narrow-ambitus tone row are anhemitonic structures. Typical features of long singing manner are determined. These are slow manner, calm tempo, stretching of poetic structure due to introductory words, vocalization of consonants, inner composed chants, vowel chants, use of ornamentation, attempts to divide long sounds. Singers of the old generation born at the beginning of the 20th century represent old tradition of singing, which clearly characterizes long melodiousness. They sing slowly in drawling manner, using abundant ornamentation, introductory words, shouting at the end of the stanza. Performers of the younger generation (40-50 years old) sing less ornately and tend to accelerate the tempo. Three melodic-textured types of polyphony have been identified: 1) sub-voice- polyphonic with narrow ambitus; 2) sub-voice-polyphonic with wide ambitus, with a distinct upper, intoning active voice - "horyak", which takes over the function of the melody; 3) homophonic - harmonic, with a characteristic vertical texture. As a promising direction for further research, it is suggested to study long melodiousness in other areas of Ukraine, as well as song samples from Ukrainian villages of the Ukrainian Diaspora, to determine their melodic-textured types, mode structures and types of poetic structure. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У дисертації висвітлено теоретико-методологічні засади вивчення традиційної необрядової ліричної пісенності Слобідської України у гуртовому виконанні, схарактеризовано та доповнено матеріалами власних польових розвідок джерельну базу, реконструйовано та розшифровано архівні фонозаписи. На підставі аналізу емпіричного матеріалу, накопиченого протягом ХХ та початку ХХІ ст., висвітлено структурні особливості протяжних пісень (лад, віршова будова, фактура, ритм), визначено принципи композиційної будови залежно від типу фактури; розроблено ладотипологію, ритмотипологію та типологію віршової будови; визначено стан сучасного побутування пісенного фольклору Слобожанщини, виявлено зміни у виконавській традиції (стара та «нова» манери). Автором уведено до наукового обігу новітні музичні матеріали, що репрезентують зразки протяжної пісні Луганської, Донецької та Харківської областей, визначено можливі напрямки подальших досліджень uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Інститут мистецтвознавства фольклористики та етнології ім. М. Т. Рильського НАН України uk_UA
dc.subject композиційні особливості протяжних пісень uk_UA
dc.subject протяжна пісня uk_UA
dc.subject Слобідська Україна uk_UA
dc.subject музичний фольклор uk_UA
dc.subject народні мелодії uk_UA
dc.subject поліфонія uk_UA
dc.subject фактура uk_UA
dc.subject тональність uk_UA
dc.subject ритм uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Compositional features of long singing of Sloboda Ukraine uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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