Короткий опис(реферат):
У дисертації окреслено місце естради як мистецького явища в українській
культурі ХХ – початку ХХІ ст. Обґрунтовано концептуально-методологічні
засади естрадознавства як мистецтвознавчого напряму, що вивчає естрадне
мистецтво у його жанрових, родових та видових відгалуженнях, визначено
базові засади естрадного мистецтва. Висвітлено етапи розвитку української
вокальної естради ХХ ст., виявлено специфічні риси естрадного вокалу в його
відмінності від академічного, окреслено сучасні тенденції естрадної вокальної
естетики. Висвітлено проблемне поле мистецтвознавчої рецепції вокального
мистецтва естради в українській культурі початку ХХІ ст.
Доведено, що естрадознавство є напрямом мистецтвознавчої науки, що
вивчає естрадне мистецтво у його видових, родових, жанрових та стильових
відгалуженнях. Зазначено, що синтетична природа естрадного мистецтва вказує
на його приналежність одночасно до масової та елітарної культури. Посилення
масового компонента у добу шоу-бізнесу руйнує естрадне мистецтво
зсередини, що ми спостерігаємо сьогодні в Україні. Відтворення багаторічних
традицій української естради сприятиме реалізації її завдань в українському
Суть розробки, основні результати:
The thesis defines the place of the variety art phenomenon in the Ukrainian
culture of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century. It justifies the conceptualmethodological basis science of variety arts as the art direction, the study of variety
art in its genre, generic and species branches, defines the basic principles of variety
art. There were covered the stages of development of the Ukrainian vocal music of
the twentieth century, identified the specific features of variety vocal in its
differences from the academic vocal, marked modern trends in variety-music
aesthetics. It reflects the perception and evaluation problem of the vocal art music in
Ukrainian culture of the early twenty-first century.
It was determined that a variety music as an artistic phenomenon is an
important part of the cultural life of Ukraine. Evolution of a variety art as a cultural
phenomenon reflects the social and political processes taking place in the country. It
was proved that throughout the history of the development of the Ukrainian variety
art the leading socio-cultural function was aesthetic, which reduced its value only
during the show business time (1990s – beginning of the 21st century). In the Soviet
period (1920–50-ies) the main customer of a variety art was the top Party officials,
respectively, the main engine of the development of variety art was its ideological
component, which slightly decreased during the NEP period (20-ies) and the
Khrushchev’s «thaw» (1953–1964), when he lost to entertainment and recreation. It
is shown that the ideological function in the USSR was inseparably linked with
instructional function that separated Soviet music from its Western counterparts –
cabaret, vaudeville, burlesque, music hall, show-business. Up to the 1990s the
development of the Soviet variety arts, including of Ukrainian, took place in the
socio-cultural triad «ideological – instructional – aesthetic», with a temporary
strengthening of the entertainment and recreation beginning in the period of NEP and
Khrushchev's «thaw». The destruction of the triad had led to the loss of two other
functions – educational and the aesthetic, bringing the entertainment and recreation at
the first place. In the show-business, despite the searching for new artistic forms, we
see the variety art value reduction in the national culture, which negatively affected
the contemporary Ukrainian culture.
This work identifies and describes seven basic foundations of variety art. The
openness of the stage based on an active artist’s dialogue with his audience; the ease
outlines the specificity of variety art perception that doesn’t require any preliminary
audience preparation; the synthetically character determines the combination of
variety arts elements of different art forms; conciseness implies a high concentration
of content in the piece; improvisation is the creative component of the artist’s stage
acting, his openness to a particular audience reaction; mobility implies the ability of
the artist to execute stage work under all conditions (occupational mobility) and rapid
response to the demands of society (social mobility); the individuality of the artist is
in the constant search of originality, identity, individual manner of performance, his
own stage image. It is noted that the basic foundations of variety art are universal to
all types and genres.
An essential attribute of the contemporary vocal arts is the concept of "sound"
(spatial sound image) – integrated sound characteristic of the singer’s voice, his solo
embrace. Modern variety singing differs from the academic voice training in the
sound generation and its attack, voice techniques and effects (growl, rattle, distortion,
creak, scream, etc). The acoustic conditions where the variety singer works have
changed and moved the sound generation to the speech position. Musical rhythm also
takes a particular importance in the vocals.
Vocal variety art has its own tradition of historiography, at the same time, its
theoretical base is not perfect. Terminology of variety vocal is not yet unified, artistic
and aesthetic criteria for the evaluation of the variety art phenomena are uncertain,
there is a shortage of art staff, that a is professionally engaged in informational,
critical and research activities in the field of music. The analysis of the recent modern
music scientific studies has shown that the historical development of the foreign
entertainment industry is shown as the only correct example for the development of
domestic show-business. It is noted that the orientation only on the Western models
are false, because the development of the Ukrainian platform can only be successful
in combining achievements of the variety music world experience with national
cultural traditions. It is proved that taking into account the historical experience of the
national stage, its values orientation and aesthetic criteria will contribute to the
renewal of the national variety art traditions and will enrich its golden fund.