Основним результатом дисертаційної роботи є обґрунтування теоретичних основ унікально-універсальних співвідношень у формуванні культурномистецького простору архітектури українського села, суть яких полягає у гармонії традицій, сформованих упродовж століть, і новаторства, яке є закономірним результатом людської діяльності. Обґрунтування теоретичних основ унікально-універсальних співвідношень у формуванні культурно-мистецького
простору архітектури українського села становить наукову основу для
просторово-мистецької діяльності.
Доведено, що культурно-мистецький простір архітектури села містить важливу інформацію про народні традиції, вподобання, ремесла, цей колективний
твір мистецтва є унікальним артефактом культурної спадщини народу, найкраще демонструє співжиття людини і природи, енергетичний потенціал якої століттями живив творчу уяву українського селянина.
Виявлено наявність проблемної ситуації у культурно-мистецькому
просторі країни, де урбанізаційні процеси сприяють зникненню унікального у
мистецтві, яке є одним зі способів ідентифікації народу через його творчі надбання.
Обґрунтовано роль унікального у збереженні гармонійного середовища
культурно-мистецького простору архітектури українського села в період
глобалізації суспільства. Показано, що за час існування українське село трансформувалося в унікальний художній витвір мистецтва, що позитивно впливає
на психологічний та емоційний стан людини, її фізичне здоров’я.
The main result of the thesis is a theoretical study based on unique and universal relations in cultural and artistic space in architecture of Ukrainian village, the
essence of which is in harmony of traditions formed over the centuries, and innovation, which is the natural result of human activity. Justification of theoretical foundations of unique and universal relations in cultural and artistic space in architecture of
Ukrainian villages constitutes the basis for spatial and artistic activities.
It was proved that cultural and artistic space of village architecture contains important information about traditions, preferences, crafts, and this collective work of
art is a unique artifact of cultural heritage, demonstrates the best coexistence of man
and nature with man’s energetic potential living for centuries and feeding the imagination of Ukrainian people.
Detected presence of problematic situation in cultural space of the country
where urbanization processes causes the disappearance of unique art, which is identifying people through their creative heritage.
The role of the unique was established in maintaining harmonious environment
of cultural and artistic space in architecture of Ukrainian village during the globalization of society. It was shown that during its existence Ukrainian village was transformed into a unique artistic piece of art that positively affected the psychological
and emotional state of people and their physical health.
This dissertation investigates the issue of the role of creative architecture in
cultural space of Ukraine, which was lost due to urbanization and globalization of society, by harmonizing the unique and universal.
Cultural and artistic space in architectural environment of Ukrainian village in
this dissertation presented by its basic structural elements: a peasant dwelling, rural
church, community center village, rural settlement.
It was established that rural housing is original phenomenon in the history of
architecture. This is not only an architectural object or housing, but also a historical
category, which represents the organization of all internal space displayed by numerous folk traditions. The uniqueness of the Ukrainian peasant house lives through his
spiritual evolvement. Ukrainian dwelling, its dimensional content is a reflection of
Ukrainian ethnic psychology, needs and behavior.
It was proved that in Ukraine the church has always been a major structural element of architectural space of the village. It has its own unique system of planning
of the temple as dominant, visually uniting the church where all of the rural settlements and remained central in rural development in its natural environment.
It was established that the Ukrainian church architecture, including a large
number of European schools of sacral building, developed its standards, own tastes
and views on shaping and planning in composition of the churches which national architects tried not to deviate, but to perfect them over the centuries.
The effects of historical styles and borrowed ideas also subordinated to this
concept because Ukrainian Church was always different from other original styles in
its uniqueness.
Based on the studies was proved that the search for harmony in artistic activities to create architectural environment based on complementary unique and universal relationships was the key to the development of cultural and artistic space Ukrainian village.
It was found that preservation of the unique architectural environment, natural
landscape in rural development, the use of regional traditions and local materials in a
harmonious combination of modern spatial art solutions and new technologies are the
foundation for the restoration of the typical life of rural residents, which was indispensable to the revival of cultural and artistic space of village architecture.
The results of the study offer theoretical and methodological tools for formation of cultural and artistic space of Ukrainian village architecture based on the harmonization of unique and universal relationships.
Designed theoretical foundation of harmonization of unique and universal relations in shaping the architectural environment of cultural and artistic space, are scientific basis for space activities in the design and reconstruction of villages and their
objects in the new system of values of harmonious environment.
An important factor in harmonization of architectural environment of Ukrainian village during planning and reconstruction is the return to historical experience
and tradition which should be used creatively and improve the architectural organization of rural settlement.
Effective implementation of the main provisions of the thesis is the use of basic
methods of harmonization of unique and universal relationships in the work of administrative agencies, scientific methodological process university education, as confirmed by acts of implementation.