Короткий опис(реферат):
У дисертації досліджено постать Євгена Цегельського – одного з провідних діячів українського культурного життя Галичини міжвоєнного
двадцятиріччя, випускника Празької консерваторії, музикознавця, концертуючого скрипаля та педагога, директора Перемишльської філії Вищого
музичного інституту ім. М. Лисенка, організатора музичного життя Галичини – керівника музичного відділу Інституту Народної творчості при
Українському Центральному Комітеті у Львові, а після Другої світової
війни – у таборах для переміщених осіб в Німеччині та представника української діаспори в США.
Є. Цегельський – один з учасників історичного процесу, який, здобувши європейську фахову освіту, закладав основи професіоналізму в умовах
українського національного відродження. Діяльність митця пов’язана з
фундаментальними дослідженнями в галузі музикознавства, які висвітлюють громадські та мистецькі події Галичини міжвоєнного двадцятиріччя.
Публіцистичні та методичні праці Є. Цегельського ставили питання освіти
й виховання населення, свідчили про перехід від аматорського музичного
мистецтва до професійного. Перебуваючи в еміграції, митець не полишав
суспільно-просвітницької культуротворчої праці, що сприяло збереженню
національної ідентичності.
На основі вивчення історичних, культурологічних, джерелознавчих
матеріалів, присвячених зазначеній проблематиці, здійснено наукову реконструкцію музикознавчої спадщини Є. Цегельського. Виявлені основні пріоритети його наукової та музично-критичної діяльності, підсумовано результати його досліджень.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
The thesis is devoted to the figure of Yevhen Tsyhelskyi, who is one of the
most active figures of Ukrainian cultural life in the region of the interwar
twentieth anniversary, being the graduate of the Prague Conservatory, musicologist, concert violinist and teacher, director of the Peremysl branch of the Higher
Music Institute of M. Lysenko, the organizer of the musical life of Galicia as
head of the musical department of the Institute of Folk Art at the Ukrainian
Central Committee in Lviv, and after the Second World War, in the camps for
displaced persons in Germany and a representative of the Ukrainian diaspora in
the USA.
The most active period of his activity falls on the interwar twentieth
anniversary, which is characterized by the significant rise of the cultural and
educational life, the formation and development of various spheres of artistic
activity. Thus, more general layers of Ukrainian culture of this period are
revealed: the awareness of objective social and cultural processes that took
place at certain historical stages of development of Ukrainian society,
destruction of stereotypical views and beliefs, obtaining objective knowledge
about the historical past of the nation, preservation its historical and cultural
heritage, rethinking the values of national spiritual traditions, and, on the basis
of numerous factual sources of illumination artistic achievements of representatives of ethnic Ukrainian lands and Ukrainian diaspora, through the prism
of life-creativity of a particular creative person.
The authenticity of the conclusions of the paradigm "individual - national
socium" given on the concrete example of Yevhen Tsehelskyi in the focus of
social and artistic events that took place in Galicia in the first third of the XX
century is due to the involvement of a wide range of archival, press, and
epistolary sources and reflects the main tendencies of musical development of
the culture of that era, aimed at asserting professionalism and integrating of the
Ukrainian culture into the world. A number of other controversial issues
emerged, which were the corps of scientific interest by Yevgen Tsehelskyi, in
line with this issue. These are, first of all, the Ukrainian-Czech ties, which
became the foundation upon which Ukrainian musicians from the so-called
"Prague school" were brought up, and there was the coverage of the PanSlavism in the historical and cultural aspects in this context.
Yevhen Tsehelskyi is a striking example of the Galician figure of the
twentieth century, the participant in the historical process, who, having received
his professional education in prestigious Western educational institutions, laid
the foundations of professionalism in the conditions of national revival, trying
to eliminate the isolation and lagging behind the Ukrainian musical culture
from the European one. The activity of the artist is connected with the fundamental research in the field of musicology, a thorough study of the public and
artistic events of Galicia between the two decades of the twentieth century. The
journalistic and methodological works of Tsehelskyi, aimed at forming the
cultural consciousness of Ukrainians, corresponding to the requirements of the
time, raised the issues of education and upbringing of the population, testified
to the transition from amateur art to professional.
Tsehelskyi did not leave active social and educational cultural work being in
emigration, although naturally it covers some other thematic priorities: the
multifaceted cultural and artistic activity of emigrants, who were usually pupils
of leading Ukrainian and European educational institutions, made it possible
not only to preserve their national identity, but also to establish and creatively
develop the most important assets of the Ukrainian art in another ethnic
Consequently, it was possible to carry out a scientific reconstruction of the
entire musical heritage of Yevhen Tsehelskyi which took place in various
historical and political circumstances on the basis of studying and analyzing
historical, cultural and source materials devoted to this problem,
The main thematic priorities of his scientific and musical-critical activity
are revealed, the results of researches in various spheres are summed up and
prospects of their further scientific development are outlined.