У дисертації досліджено теоретично-стилістичну специфіку духовної
творчості композиторів Галичини кінця ХІХ – першої половини ХХ століть у контексті літургійно-хорової практики регіону. Розглядаються особливості міжконфесійної ситуації та її вплив на стилістичні особливості
духовно-хорової музики галицьких композиторів.
На основі матеріалів періодичних видань, архівних і бібліотечних фондів, нотних джерел визначено проблематику літургійно-хорової творчості.
Простежено тенденції розвитку хорового мистецтва в духовних закладах
Галичини і форми впливу освітніх реформ на дяко-реґентську освіту.
Окреслено засади співпраці церковних і світських хорових колективів, що
постала як результат покращення рівня мистецької освіти в духовних
закладах, а також завдяки заснуванню чисельних товариств.
На основі музично-аналітичного дослідження літургійно-хорової творчості композиторів П. Бажанського, В. Матюка, Д. Січинського, Й. Кишакевича, М. Кумановського, Т. Купчинського, Я. Ярославенка С.Людкевича,
Б. Кудрика виявлено два основні підходи до компонування літургійної
музики. З одного боку, задля збереження традиції композитори демонстрували максимальне збереження монодійної мелодики, а з іншого – використовували стилістику європейської композиторської школи з метою
оновлення літургійної музики. Обидва варіанти сприяли зростанню загального рівня богослужбово-музичної культури Галичини.
In the dissertation the theoretical and stylistic specificity of the spiritual
creativity of composers of Galychina at the end end of 19th and of the first half
of 20th centuries in the context of liturgical choral practice was investigated.
The attention was drawn to the historical and social processes which were
caused by the territorial location, which were influenced on the peculiarities of
the development of Ukrainian culture. Frequent changes in the policy of power
structures led to an active polemic of society in which the content of interconfessional discussions, the reform of the spiritual and educational sector, the
features of concerto-educational events, activization of publishing business
became significant. All of these were accompanied by adaptation of liturgically
ceremonial traditions to the requirements of time and had a noticeable influence on the stylistic features of spiritually choral music of the Galychina
composers of the marked period.
The problems of liturgically-choral creation on the basis of materials of
periodicals, archival and library collections, musical sources and related to them
bibliographic and archeographical descriptions are covering not only the sociocultural context, but also the theoretical and in-stylish aspects of composer's
creativity were investigated. Systematized and meaningful numerous publications of the era contributed to the social discussion of a whole range of the
questions, related to musical education, changes in educational programs, the
preparation of church singers and even genre prerogatives of composer creativity.
On the basis of source materials, trends in the development of choral art in
the spiritual institutions of Galicia and the forms of influence of educational
reforms on deacon-regent education are traced. The activization of function of
primary schools and fraternities at churches, private institutions and seminaries, numerous short-term schools and courses for rural conductors has been
noted. The important role of multi-level educational institutions founded by
Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytskyi is singled out. All this in aggregate activated
the publication of teaching aids, textbooks and notes collections, which significantly enriched the liturgical repertoire of Galician composers.
The principles of cooperation between church and secular choral ensembles
have been described, which contributed to the development of not only vocal,
but also choir master skills, and also organization of general measures whith
bringing a variety of repertoire. All this influenced the growth of the level of
melodic intonational and vocal technical components of the multivoice practiced in the region and resulted in the diversity of its stylistic embodiment in
composer's work.
The choral heritage of Galician composers such as P. Bazhanskyi, V. Matiuk,
D. Sichynskyi, J. Kyshakevych, M. Kumanovskyi, T. Kupchynskyi, Y. Yaroslavenko S. Liudkevych, B. Kudryk became the confirmation of the processes of
enrichment and updating of local church-singing traditions. All of them knew
well the local singing traditions and parish needs, which determined the
dominant features of the spiritual creativity of the artists. This also caused two
approaches near arrangement of liturgical music. From one side, for the sake of
preserving the tradition, the composers relied on the monomilch tunes, which
translated into a traditional four-voice choral composition with the maximum
preservation of the original melody. On the other hand, author's themes were
used against the background of the theoretical and stylistic principles of the
European composer's school. Both variants contributed to the deepening of the
criteria of performing and composer professionalism, and also increase of
general level of the religious and musical culture of Galicia.