У дисертаційній праці вперше комплексно досліджено творчий доробок графіків Івано-Франківщини XX − початку XXI ст., висвітлено їхню діяльність в контексті культурно-мистецького життя краю. Проаналізовано співпрацю митців із видавництвами, їх участь у громадських товариствах та мистецьких об’єднаннях, робота в галузі професійної художньої освіти, музейництва та краєзнавства; зусилля в організації масштабних культурних проектів, налагодженні міжнародних зв’язків. Простежено процеси збереження і трансформації народних традицій у цьому виді мистецтва, виявлено характерні для нього ознаки фольклоризму, аматорства, застосування стилістики декоративно-прикладного мистецтва. Визначено основні чинники, що зумовили сюжетно-тематичну специфіку графічних робіт досліджуваного мистецького осередку, розкрито їх художні особливості. Розширено та уніфіковано знання про спектр діяльності графіків краю, здійснено каталогізацію багатьох графічних творів, укладено словник провідних митців. Набуло розвитку дослідження генези графічного мистецтва на Івано-Франківщині, розуміння ролі та місця графіки в культурно-мистецьких процесах краю.
In the work for the first time the artistic heritage of graphic artists of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st century was explored in general, their activities in the context of the cultural life of the region were highlighted. In the thesis those historical and cultural processes of the 20th century are considered determining the character of the graphic art of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, in particular, the stylistic features of Western European artistic trends, the ideological foundations of the totalitarian regime of the Soviet era, and the contradictions of the culture of postmodernism. Significant figures among the graphic artists of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, whose creativity predetermined the formation of a local artistic center, are singled out.
An active participation of graphic artists in the cultural life of the region was established in the form of cooperation with publishing houses, participation in public associations and artistic associations, contribution to the development of professional artistic education, museum work, creation of galleries, organization of large-scale cultural projects, active exhibition, regional and public activities, work in project graphics, establishing international relations, contacts with leading figures of culture and art of the country.
The close connection of graphic arts and traditional artistic culture with the folk crafts of the Pre-Carpathian region, in particular, has been analyzed. The processes of maintenance and transformation of folk traditions in this type of art on the territory of the Ivano-Frankivsk region of the 20th century are traced. Phenomena of folklorism and amateur typical for many graphic works determining the specifics of the cultural life of the region are revealed.
It is established that an important area of activity of the graphic artists of the Ivano-Frankivsk region is the research and preservation of local Hutsul material and spiritual culture in particular, studying the history, ethnography of the region, promoting the work of museum institutions, popularization of folk art. This happened not only due to the reproduction of cultural heritage in graphic works, the illustration of historical publications, but also through an educational mission, preservation and promotion of the authentic architecture of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the creation of civic organizations, and providing cultural and artistic events. The fruitful work of the artists, first of all graphic artists over the creation of the artistic image of the Pre-Carpathian cities, the prominent historical and cultural monuments, as well as their ascetic role in the popularization of the historical and cultural heritage of Galicia, is analyzed. The collaboration of graphic artists with publishers (illustrating newspaper and magazine products, book graphics) and activities in the project graphic arts are analyzed. It is established that the graphic artists of the Ivano-Frankivsk region of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century popularized the traditional culture through leaflets not only in Ukraine but also abroad, and published articles in the periodicals on regional and ethnographic issues, illustrated the books of Ukrainian poets and writers. We denoted cognitive, historical and artistic meaning of Ukrainian illustrated leaflets of the beginning of the 20th century, recognized by specialists as the socio-cultural phenomenon of the region. Significant results of artists in the field of project graphic arts are revealed, which is evidenced by significant works in advertising graphics, scenography, work on design projects. The result of the creative and social initiative of the graphic artists of the researched artistic center is the professional cultural experience gained through work in other artistic fields and in various spheres of social and public life.
The artistic and pedagogical activity of those artists of the Ivano-Frankivsk region have been analyzed, who devoted themselves to teaching work, also the principles of their individual approach to the disclosure of young talents, author's methods and the practice of contemporary private studios have been observed. An important role of state art institutions in the Ivano-Frankivsk culture system is determined.
The thematic, genre range and expressive means of graphic works of Ivano-Frankivsk artists are revealed. The socio-historical and cultural circumstances determining the themes of works belonging to one or another time period were distinguished. The interest of the artists in the genre of exlibris, connected with the high culture of the book in Galicia, linked with the tradition of the formation of private collections of books has been revealed here.
The individual means of forming images of the leading graphic artists, enriched with new artistic and aesthetic qualities, plastic searches, revealing individual author's vision of artists are considered.
The information about the spectrum of Ivano-Frankivsk graphic artists’ activity is expanded and unified; cataloging of many graphic works is performed, and a dictionary of leading artists has been created. Understanding the regional specificity of the creative activity of the artistic community has been improved. The research of the genesis of graphic arts in Ivano-Frankivsk, understanding the role and place of the graphic arts in the cultural and artistic processes of the region has developed.