Короткий опис(реферат):
Дисертацію присвячено дослідженню проектно-художніх засобів українського плаката доби постмодернізму. Подано уявлення про стан наукової думки, виявлено актуальні напрямки і проблеми розвитку дизайну вітчизняного постмодерністського плаката. Окреслено становлення та розвиток постмодернізму, що вплинувна формування графічного дизайну. Охарактеризовано проектні та художні засоби виразності, притаманні постмодерністським візуально-комунікативним дизайн-практикам загалом і українському плакату зокрема. Розкрито функції метафори, парадоксу, іронії, гри; проаналізовано постмодерністські прийоми візуалізації явної і потенційної інформації, цитування, подвійне кодування, колаж, пастиш, палімпсест. Висвітлено національну специфіку українського плаката доби постмодернізму.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
The development of postmodernism which influenced the formationofgraphic design of this period is outlined. It has been established that during the days of postmodernism, certain types ofart have losttheir clear certainty: accordingly, the synthesis of arts as an organic combination into a complex of practices occurs, where an experiment with a form tends to hang overthecontent.The design and art toolsof postmodern design practicesinfluencingthe design of a poster, are revealed as well asfunctions of metaphor, paradox, irony, game; postmodern techniques of visualization of explicit and potential information such as citation, double coding, collage, pastis, palimpsestare analyzed.It is disclosed that the main criteria of artistic creativity of the postmodern age are singularityand uniqueness. An important sign of postmodern posters is the plurality of non-standard techniques, tools and stylistic forms. It isdiscoveredthat the Ukrainian poster as a visual and communicative postmodern design practice is in synthesis with visual art, photography, advertising, visual and communicative practices of the Internet, etc. The occurrenceand development of postmodern means in the poster of Ukraine (1960-2010s) is being investigating. The difference in the degrees of postmodern freedom from the first sprouts was foundin the spectacular poster of the 1960s to the author's poster of the 1980s. The manifestationof postmodernism in the spectacular poster of Ukraine (1960-1980s) was analyzed.It has been established that stylistic artistic borrowings and visual citations from the Ukrainian avant-garde of the 1920s, the Swiss graphic design school, the Polish poster, etc., are themanifestation of the signs of postmodernism at its earliest stage. It has been established that the first germs of postmodernism are also traced in a political poster as a reminiscence of the Ukrainian folk icon. The postmodern individuality of creative thinking and self-expression of the artist's personality contribute to the creation of an author's poster in Ukraine.In itsfield, everyday 22 images and unique artistic and graphic elements appear in unexpected thematic aspectsand contexts using simultaneously various artistic techniques aimed at reproducing their own creative concept. Conceptuality and pluralism becomecharacteristic signs of the author's poster.The changes in the hierarchy of poster genres started in the 1990s were considered.The design and art tools of the Ukrainian postmodern poster 1990-2010swere identified. Among design tools are the font, typography, layout techniques and technical means. The arttools arephoto / photographics, digital and pictured images (variety of), which are subject to stylization and techniques (montage, collage, digital processing).The art toolsof the poster have a narrative and non-narrative aspect. The poster as one of the visual and communicative practices of postmodernism has an intertextuality that combines it with the artistic and cultural context.It is established that in the Ukrainian poster of 2000-2010s the artistic national-romantic direction prevails. In addition to the traditional romantic search for the intra-figurative form of a visual message, through the prism of exaltation of the values of the people and its heroic ambiguities, based on the spirit and style of folk art, the posterattracted attention to the ecology in its broadest sense.It is discoveredthat self-irony as a symbol of a free, independent, self-sufficient personhas become one of the main features of the nationalposter at the present stage. It is revealedthat in the Ukrainian posters of postmodernism the urgency of the awareness of its own rootednessin the spiritual experience of the past and the ecological orientation as concernfor the existence of human civilization becomes relevant.