Короткий опис(реферат):
У дисертації висвітлено теоретико-методологічні засади вивчення традиційного житлового будинку в Лівані, визначено природні, історичні й соціокультурні чинники, що зумовили особливості організації житлового середовища і його естетичного осмислення. На прикладі збережених пам’яток конкретизовано типові інженерні, планувальні, функціональні та художньо-образні рішення. Уперше проаналізовано сучасну дизайнерську практику Лівану: висвітлено особливості формування професійної спільноти, визначено її представників, основні підходи та художньо-проектні прийоми організації житлового інтер’єру. Обґрунтовано перспективні галузі та підходи до проектування житлового інтер’єру, визначено можливі напрями подальших досліджень.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
The dissertation is one of the first in Ukraine researches of designer practice of Lebanon in the field of residential interiors of the late 20th - early 21st century. The paper gives a detailed description of the scientific literature devoted to the Lebanese dwelling house, defines the leading approaches to its study, outlines methods of work. It was found that in the focus of researchers there were mostly problems associated with the construction, reconstruction, and restoration. The principles of forming the objective-spatial environment have not been studied up to now. The design aspects of the modern residential interior are considered only in professional periodicals, often limited to visual information.The thesis systematizes the materials on the development of traditional dwelling in Lebanon, reveals the natural, historical and socio-cultural factors, which determined the features of the organization of the living space and its aesthetic comprehension. It is emphasized that prototypes, which became the basis for further modifications of the Lebanese traditional dwelling, were a rectangular Phoenician house on a stone foundation (3rdmillenium BC) and the Roman atrium. In the process of evolution and under the influence of the Mediterranean and the Arabian East cultures, the most common type of planning with the central common room (the so-called «liuan») and rooms on each side was formed. It has been discovered that despite changes in living conditions, preservation of family values and family communication determine the presence of a general hall in the planning scheme of Lebanese dwelling. It appears that the most stable principles of interior organization are connected, "open" spaces looking towards the courtyard, garden or central hall; the conformity of the décor to design features; combining elements of different styles borrowed from different cultures; contrast (of the color, tone, materials, textures).
The thesis is the first attempt to analyze the modern design practice of Lebanon. In particular, it highlightsthe main approaches to the organization of residential interiors, the neoclassical and modernist ones being the most widespread. The neoclassical approach is characterized by an appeal to the past in various ways: the reminiscences of the Lebanese bourgeois interior of the 19th - the first third of the 20th century, the use of Ottoman, Moresque, Baroque, and classical styles; active use of art objects and antiques. In this trend, an important role is played by architectural and plastic features of the space, emphasized if any by means and techniques of artistic design (light, color, tone), or are otherwise artificially modeled, forming pseudo-columns, friezes, arches, etc. The modernist approach includes design developments, embodied in the purely Western concepts of the 20th and early 21st centuries, from American modernism of the 1950s to modern versions of minimalism. Attention to the functional aspects of the living environment, compliance with modern environmental and technological requirements meet the demands of the new generation. Within the scope of the modernist approach, there is also an art trend where the collection of artistic works does not complement the interior, but determines the methods of its organization
The author proves that in the near future neoclassical, modernist, and syncretic approaches to the organization of residential environment will be preserved, taking into account modern sanitary, ecological, and technological requirements for housing. Population growth at the expense of refugees, the development of youth tourism, and the expansion of the higher schools network makes it important to develop small-size low cost dwelling with an emphasis on multifunctionality of each residential zone, the use of low-cost materials in an emotionally positive manner. As a promising area of further research, the authorindicates the study of a general pattern of design development in Lebanon, the coverage of the most advanced types of design activities, the identification of typical features of the Lebanese design.