Social advertising is a very young trend in public communications in Ukraine. It gradually and steadily devel ops and acquires the system of mass communication and linguistics position. To make this type of advertising in a sci ence now there is a theoretical and practical necessity, since the results of investigation of the development and opera tion of PSA, its linguistic content is a guarantee of your advertising campaign. The very definition of a specific type of
advertising is still at the stage of social awareness and research. To solve this problem the article attempt to identify the
PSAs as a subspecies of advertising, define its place in the various classifications of advertising and demonstrate ele ments of the PSAs. This purpose, objectives, methods of distribution, audience PSAs. It says the advantages and disad vantages of this type of communication. PSAs – a promotion, advocacy and promotion of moral behavior that the mass
reproduction will socially desirable results. The appearance of this type of advertising is a natural result of the evolution
of public relations. Social advertising has taken its place in the general classification of the genre of advertising, has
become specific, peculiar only to her features, has become an integral part of social life.
У статті охарактеризовано соціальну рекламу як окремий підвид реклами. З цією метою продемонстровано різні підходи до визначення видів реклами та показано місце в них досліджуваного поняття, розглянуто класифікації самої соціальної реклами. Зазначено характерні особливості цього виду комунікації.