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dc.contributor.author Овчарук, Ольга Володимирівна
dc.date.accessioned 2021-08-06T08:26:36Z
dc.date.available 2021-08-06T08:26:36Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Овчарук О. В. Парадигмальні виміри ідеалу людини у просторі культури XX - початку XXI століття : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступ. д-ра культурології : спец. 26.00.01 "Теорія та історія культури" / Ольга Володимирівна Овчарук ; Нац. акад. кер. кадр. культури і мистецтв. К., 2018. 36 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri http://elib.nakkkim.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3173
dc.description The dissertation is devoted to the study of anthropological problems in theoretical discourse of cultural studies. Through understanding the ideal of man as a phenomenon of culture, the value-semantic transformations that took place in the cultural space of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century were traced. The methodological basis for the study of these processes was the combination of classical, non-classical and post-classical approaches to cognition. In this connection, it has been determined that paradigm propagates in cultural science as a meta-methodology, on the theoretical basis of which a comprehensive, complex, multi-level study of complex systems such as culture and people can be carried out. The methodological tool for this is the paradigmatic approach that allows the integration of various types of scientific discourses and types of thinking as manifestations of the semantic continuum of various cultural paradigms. In dissertation the cultural conceptualization of key concepts of research which substantially expands the conceptual sphere of modern culturological science, has been realized. In the formulated author’s concept, the ideal of man appears as a universal of culture, which embodies the idea of a perfect image of man on the basis of universal meanings, values, norms produced by a certain type of culture; as a theoretical model, the content of which is disclosed, depending on the ideological foundations of scientific paradigms dominant at a certain historical and cultural stage; as an image whose objectification takes place in various forms of arts (literary, visual, theatrical, musical, cinema, etc.) and creative practices (art practices, fashion, design, image-making, etc.), which appears as a human image of culture, which is expressed as existence, and due. In order to reveal new meanings and values of the categorical apparatus generated by the cultural context of the modern era, the explication of the ideal category was carried out in the work. In the paradigm of culturology, the ideal appears as the quintessence of culture, which is fixed in any form of social practice of people, systems of communication and intergenerational transmission of universal semantic codes of culture. On the basis of the proposed methodology, the work revealed specific approaches to understanding the ideal of man from the standpoint of philosophical and anthropological, cultural-anthropological scientific paradigms that emerged in the European cultural space at the turn of the 19-th and early 20-th centuries. In the dimensions of Ukrainian art of the first third of the twentieth century, the ideal of man as a cultural phenomenon was conceived through the image. On the basis of the analysis of the cultural-philosophical discourse of Ukrainian scholars - representatives of the Western diasporas it is proved that, the scientific work laid the theoretical foundation for the formation of a cultural paradigm in the field of domestic humanitarian knowledge. The transformation of the ideal and the ideal of man in the semantic universe of the totalitarian culture of the second half of the twentieth century was traced. It is proved that the socio-cultural paradigm of a totalitarian society, which produces destructive forms of human existence, causes the reduction of its essential manifestations and deprives the realization of personal individuality. It is substantiated that the formation of a cultural paradigm in the field of Ukrainian humanitarian knowledge in the second half of the twentieth century was due to the theoretical achievements of well-known representatives of the Kyiv philosophical world-view and anthropological school. Based on the analysis of the concepts of foreign scientists of the second half of the twentieth century, the key principles of their approaches to human comprehension are defined. Postmodern philosophers tried to move away from the concept of holistic individuality, the conformist one-dimensional type of man (G. Marcuse) as a creature of the civilization of reason, to question the idea of the existence of a universal, unified, unchanging "I" and to form an alternative image of man. A large-scale scientific understanding by Ukrainian scientists at the end of the 20th and early 21centuries of the problem of man and culture in the conditions of the formation of the national cultural space became possible in the context of a powerful social request for the reproduction of a specific Ukrainian socio-cultural environment as the only possible basis for the formation of a Ukrainian human being. This process demonstrates the desire of representatives of the national humanitarian thought to comprehend the new conditions of human existence, put forward new versions of its interpretation on the basis of post-classical methodologies of cognition and reveal the essence of an ideal and/or typical sample of a person of modern culture, to identify its attributive characteristics. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Дисертацію присвячено дослідженню антропологічної проблематики в дискурсі культурології. Обґрунтовано, що парадигмальність виступає як мета-методологія, на теоретичних засадах якої може здійснюватися всебічне, комплексне, багаторівневе дослідження таких складних систем як культура та людина. Методологічним інструментарієм виступає парадигмальний підхід, який дозволяє інтегрувати різні види наукових дискурсів та типів мислення, виявів смислового континууму різних культурних парадигм. У сформульованій авторській концепції ідеал людини постає як універсалія культури, що уособлює уявлення про досконалий образ людини на основі універсальних смислів, цінностей, норм, вироблених певним типом культури; як теоретична модель, зміст якої розкривається в залежності від світоглядних засад домінуючих на певному історико-культурному етапі наукових парадигм; як образ, об’єктивація якого відбувається у різних видах мистецтв та практик культури (арт-практики, мода, дизайн, іміджмейкінг тощо). Шляхом осмислення ідеалу людини як феномену культури простежено ціннісно-смислові трансформації, що відбулися в просторі культури ХХ - початку ХХІ століть. Доведено, що образ ідеалу людини є невід’ємною складовою динаміки культури як моделі діалогу різних історичних типів культурної свідомості та світорозуміння. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв uk_UA
dc.subject парадигмальні виміри uk_UA
dc.subject ідеал людини uk_UA
dc.subject людина uk_UA
dc.subject простір культури uk_UA
dc.subject культура uk_UA
dc.subject культурологія uk_UA
dc.subject універсалія культури uk_UA
dc.subject теоретична модель uk_UA
dc.subject наукова парадигма uk_UA
dc.subject образ uk_UA
dc.subject Постмодерн uk_UA
dc.subject ідеал uk_UA
dc.subject антропологічна проблематика uk_UA
dc.subject феномен культури uk_UA
dc.subject суб’єкт культури uk_UA
dc.subject парадигма uk_UA
dc.subject парадигмальний підхід uk_UA
dc.subject парадигмальні виміри uk_UA
dc.subject метаметодологія uk_UA
dc.subject культурна свідомість uk_UA
dc.subject культурологічна концепція uk_UA
dc.subject трансформація uk_UA
dc.subject Модерн uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Paradigmatic measurements of the human ideal in the cultural space of the 20 - early 21 century uk_UA
dc.type Other uk_UA

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