Суть розробки, основні результати:
In the research the theoretical analysis of the development of students-choir directors creative qualities by means of the Ukrainian spiritual choral music as a scientific problem is done; the methodological concepts in investigations of the native and foreign scientific schools are substantiated. The inter-disciplinary nature of the problem is determined as well as the necessity to integrate different researches, and moreover to maintain the researching algorithm as from general to partial, from general methodology - to elaboration of the concrete researching programme.
In the dissertation the principal and conceptual positions of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and musical studies are taken into consideration: the social essence and content of creativity are discovered, the approaches onto the understanding of the creativity phenomenon are cleared up and grouped, the concept of “creativity” , which is investigated in two principal directions - processional and personal - is substantiated.
The terms “creativity”, “creative activity”, “creative and artistic activity” are analysed as components within the problem of “creative qualities”.
The indivisible component for the development of creative qualities of a person are: spiritual, values-oriented, aesthetic, moral, artistic - creative are integrated into a system of choir directors professional training by means of Ukrainian spiritual choral music. The following components are synthesized: musical abilities, musical memory, musical hearing, musical thinking, tempometrorythm, which are determined as integral qualities of a person.
The retrospective analysis of Ukrainian spiritual choral music is represented, its specificity is underlined, the influence of spiritual music to education, up-bringing of the creative personality, development of individual creative qualities is actualized.
Comprehension of the historical tendencies of spiritual choral music in Ukraine as the process of establishing the specific kind of choral singing promoted new understanding of national values, which are accumulated in this kind of art. In such aspect Ukrainian spiritual choral music is considered as a method of cognitive activity, as a certain type of of social and information system, which has a multifunctional character of inter-subjective interaction, directs the person on mastering the prior human and artistic values, and is directed on activating of his creative potential. The perception, understanding and comprehension of spiritual choral music by the Ukrainian composers’ school act as the important factor of educating, intellectual and moral skills within the artistic and creative activities of the future choir director.
In thea research the complex of creative qualities of the person within the structure of choir director activity is determined: values-oriented, motivational and cognitive, information-oriented, research, communicative, emotional and willed, artistic and creative.
Due to results of stating experiment the most characteristic defaults in the musical professional training of the choir directors are determined. Three levels in the up-bringing of personal creative qualities in a structure of choir director activity (high, middle, low) are determined and characterized.
The technique of forming experiment was based on the pedagogical conditions previously determined (stepping, variations of forms, actualization of the acquired knowledge in musical theory, pedagogical interaction on the basis of dialogue, engaging into dialogue, independent work of students), and on putting into the educational process perceptional and sensory, conceptual and logic, problem-solving and estimating tasks, and also individualization and differentiation of trainind. The realization of the tasks has provided the manifestation of a complex of creative qualities: alternativity, problem-solving, integrativity, non-standard thinking, activity, independence, flexibility of thinking and creative imagination, fantasy etc.
The analysis of the research results has shown positive modifications in the development of choir directors creative qualities in the experimental group of students and their increased interest to a spiritual choral inheritance of Ukrainian composers. The research has shown, that at an starting pedagogical level the experimental and control groups also had little if any essential difference in a degree of creative qualities up-bringing, as far as low and average levels dominated there.
On an intermediate pedagogical shear the modifications in experimental group are essentially traced, in control group they were insignificant. On a final stage the dynamic in the development of creative qualities in experimental group is determined more on a high level, than on middle one. At the same time low level is not fixed.
In the control group modifications took place, but in a sequence from low up to middle level and in non-sufficient amount - up to a highest level. The quantitative parameters have confirmed the efficiency of the technique, developed by the author, of up-bringing the creative qualities of prospective choir directors by means of Ukrainian spiritual choral music.
On the basis of the executed research the conclusions are made.