Buhaiov Mykola. Creative Industries Blogs: Current State and Perspectives. У пошуку нових сенсів полікультурного світу. Повоєнний діалог культур : матеріали Міжнародної наукової конференції (Київ, 16–17 травня 2024 р.) / упоряд. В. П. Дячук. Київ : НАКККіМ, 2024. С. 142-144.
Creative industries encompass theater and visual arts, film, television and radio, music, publishing, computer games, architecture, design, fashion, advertising, etc. In the modern world, humanity has the freedom to engage in artistic experiments to derive maximum benefit from the existing high level of scientific and technological progress. Creative industries are associated with the creation of cultural products, their production and dissemination through innovative technologies, including blogging. The online format has contributed to the emergence of entirely new models in the production, distribution and consumption of cultural products, integrating high-quality content through technology. Let's observe this through the example of cultural institutions such as libraries, museums, theaters and cinemas.